Just genuinely curious, and not trying to be insulting. And of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and attraction is different for everyone. And I’d like to see answers other than “hot girls are crazy” because anyone can be crazy.

  1. As long as they find them attractive, most men don’t care if their partners are less attractive than them. If you’re getting married, there are far more important things to prioritize.

  2. I’d rather marry a 7 who has an amazing personality than a 10 who has the personality of cardboard or is toxic.

  3. It’s a medley of a bunch of factors. Do you both like the same stuff? Are the conversations there? If either is down, does the other take the initiative to pick them back up?

    Physical attraction is only a small piece of that puzzle.

  4. This doesn’t generally happen though. The top 10% of men often end up with the top 10% of women 🤷‍♀️

  5. I haven’t settled down but for me, a 7/10 with a great personality turns into an 9/10. A 9/10 that is toxic turns into an 7/10.

  6. It’s not just about looks. I think it is more about looks for men when they are looking for a partner, and looks matter less for women. That said, let’s just say there is a possible score of 100. Looks might be 30 points. Intelligence might be 30 points. And there is earning power, sense of humor, having common interests. And everything adds up to 100. So you could have any combination, maybe a woman isn’t beautiful but she’s really smart and has a fantastic job and is a lot of fun she would have a much higher score than a beautiful woman with no education etc.

  7. I mean I see a lot of ugly dudes with beautiful women. Beauty is just in the eye of the beholder.

  8. Sometimes, at least to me, there are aspects that show a lot more when beauty is not an issue, because it is, to me and to every girl; in a manner of speech it distracts you from looking for other important things, sometimes red flags.

  9. Love is blind friend.

    You may meet someone and they at first are a 10 and you’re like damn this person is fiiiinee. But then they are assholes and have terrible habits and behavior. Then without even realizing it you start to put them at a 6 because they’ve gotten ugly on the inside so bad it diminishes the way you view them.

    Works both ways. You may befriend a 7 and they end up being a genuinely perfect fit for you. Then the next thing you know, their smile is alot sexier than it was before. Their eyes light up a whole lot more and your like damn. I got me a 10.

  10. Men and women, humans in general settle out of fear in all aspects of life.

  11. I’d say it’s because they generally have a better personality. That’s the reason I’m with my gf.

  12. Imo the most attractive people tend to be narcissistic assholes because everyone praises them all the time. Not my vibe.

  13. Same reason women settle for guys less attractive, they love them.

  14. Eddie Murphy did a bit about this. Basically, she catered to his ego.

    Men don’t usually get many compliments. We put effort into our appearance, but generally, people don’t say anything. People *might* say something if we dress up, like for a special occasion. We don’t get compliments for doing our job, or when we work out consistently, unless it is from someone who hasn’t seen us in a while.

    So then you have this woman who comes along, and showers a man with compliments. This gives him feelings of appreciation that he isn’t used to, and he wants to keep these feelings, so he continues to see her.

    Eventually, he decides that he might as well stay with her.

  15. Looks are on the binary scale, 1 or 0

    All 1s rank the same for looks; meaning their personality/constitution is now all that matters

  16. There is this crazy concept called compatibility, personality, attraction not based on physical traits. I know right, unbelievable. Some people even “fall in love”. From their perspective they do not “settle down” they just love another person. Crazy huh

  17. There are a lot of other factors. 1) Sanity Level (mentally healthy – baggage level) 2) Work Ethic (can she and will she hold a job?) 3) Will this person allow me to live my own life not just revolve around them? 4) Can I at least tolerate their family? 5) Do we actually share any interests? 6) Do I like her friends? Does she even have any? 7) Will she accept my friends? The list of things that are important factors is quite large. Virtually no one could check all the boxes so some men will pair up with women less attractive when the others factors are good or deemed more important. I for instance would never partner with someone who relies on me financially or is a “basket case“ no matter what they look like.

  18. Because the goal of a relationship isn’t always to find the most attractive woman out there.

  19. Because the less attractive women tend to be more compatible as wives, tend to bring less drama and aren’t always fishing for compliments.

    Give me a loyal 4 or 5 over a 10 any day.

  20. I have a suspicion that the male brain is conditioned to not view oneself as attractive because that is anti-hererosexual

  21. How often does this actually happen? Most people seem to end up dating someone who is about the same as them.

    Maybe it’s that I’m not the most attractive guy in the world, but my experience with strikingly attractive women is that they treat dating like a FAANG interview. The implicit expectation seems to be “Look, I have a platoon-sized element of thirst in my inbox. Show me something that makes you better than the mob, and maybe you’ll make it to the second and third rounds of interviews. No promises, though.” Why would I put up with that when I can tell the girl next door that I think she’s super neato and I hope she feels the same about me?

  22. I know a couple guys we’re both insecure and pretty. They both married women who are less attractive to them and I believe it is 100% so they will always feel like the pretty one in the relationship so their ego is fed.

  23. There’s plenty of reasons it may look that way. 1) some guys have unconventional tastes compared to most of society. For example some fit guys love chubby or curvy girls and go for what they want not what society thinks is desirable. 2) looks aren’t everything and having someone who gets you and is good relationship material is worth more than a dozen super attractive women in the long run. 3) sometimes guys are late bloomers and are still with their first love. Why throw away something if it’s good.

  24. Beauty isn’t the key factor. And if it is, then she’s his idea of beauty.

  25. Super Attractive women are generally crazy. This is no different then the why do women settle for average looking guys. They got tired of dating assholes.

  26. No, u dont understand hot girls are specially crazy. They are extremely difficult to hold on too in a relationship. Extremely toxic with ill replace u tomarrow mentality. U cant settledown with them because u cant they to wild amd to many offers. Extremely rare exceptions of course but the rule still stands. Stay away from hot girls they crazy.

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