My brother made me realize that I have very poor social skills. I have isolated myself a lot in college and I need to regain my social IQ.

So, which are the best books on social skills?

  1. Most people recommend How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It’s about 100 years old so kinda old timey. It’s more of a human relations manual. It gives good standard advice, but it won’t “win you any friends” if you don’t already know how to do that. I like The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane.

    I will also mention my own book, called Change Your Vibe: How to Lifehack Your Way to Social Success. (no link due to spam rules, but it’s on Amazon if you’re interested) I wrote it to talk about some of the important aspects that I think other books fail to address. Like, your VIBE!

    Also there are some books listed in the resource section of this sub, quite a few good ones!

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