I saw this guy on a dating up, that seemed genuine and down to Earth. My friend insisted that I needed to be more direct by messaging guys first. So, I saw he had included his instagram in the bio portion. I DM’d him a short introduction, and told him that I occasionally fly in his city for work and that I would love to hang out sometime. He responded and seemed happy to meet in person, and ended his message with “let me know when you’re here so we can plan something :)” I agreed, but then months went by until I was in DC. When I was in DC I saw that he was visiting NY so I didn’t reach out to him (even though he saw my story that I was in DC). Anyways long story short: he deactivated his account (or blocked me ..I’m not sure). Sometime later his account reappeared on my following list, but then he unfollowed me!

Does that mean he lost interest? Do I even bother reaching out again?

I can’t help but feel like I messed it up.

1 comment
  1. If he’s unfollowed, definitely don’t reach out again! He may be seeing someone else now- somewhat normal to unfollow any dating app-related people if you never actually met in person and have started seeing someone new. Although it’s annoying, go back on the apps, and start messaging and following others!

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