Outside like my dad and stuff I don’t really have/know about any. I’m just tryna be a man and want to learn from several people. Ya know, learn how to be the modern man I guess.

Update: so far people have commonly said iroh, Aragorn is very liked so I guess that’s a reason to read the lord of the rings. There’s also just being yourself and doing what you think is right. And then to not follow people like Andrew rate or Peterson. Oh and also following ideas or traits or something of that nature instead of people.

  1. Atticus Finch


    Prince Zuko, pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.

  2. Thorfin from Vinland Saga,not only is a good role model on how one can change but also he represents positive masculinity as well as stoicism which a trait that every men should strive to achieve.

  3. Mr Fred Rogers. At the end of the day, the man believed that all deserved love. And considering how much the world has changed since his death, he’d still stand by it.

  4. I’ve learnt great lessons from Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, Mr Rogers, Robin Williams, Keanu Reeves, Matthew Lillard, Brendan Fraser, Iroh, Sean Astin, Aragorn, Ke Huy Quan and David Tennant.

  5. Nick Offerman. Ron Swanson (his character) has a bit of good advice, but his standup show “paddle your own canoe” is pretty good.

  6. So I’m going to list some celebrities here not because I believe that they are the best role models out there, just that they are someone that you would know who is a good role model.

    **Guy fieri**dude donates heavily to charity, he works heavily with the make of wish foundation, he feeds wildfire fighters and victims constantly. He is almost always one of the first people on the scene after natural disaster. He has a great relationship with the LGBTQ community performing 100 gay marriages on the day it was legalized in honor of his sister who had passed away. He is a family man who has an excellent relationship with his extended family and tries to involve them in his work. Not only so that they can. You know share in his success but also that he can spend more time with them. And everyone I know who has had an interaction with him has had a very positive interaction. So he’s a very friendly guy, and the negative interactions I have heard about tend to be individuals who are not respecting his personal space or his personal boundaries, or especially the boundary of his family time versus his public persona time.

    But the things that I think a lot of young men could really learn from him are to never stop pushing for your dreams, dude with doing infomercials before he got in with food network and now he has a fucking empire that has set him and his family for life. Never lose that connection to your family as long as your family is healthy and supportive which his is. Never looked down on those who have less than you and when your cup runs always be willing to share that good fortune. Help a friend in need.

    **Jimmy Carter** There isn’t really a modern politician who I would list on this. You know prompt, however Jimmy is a little different. The man was a simple peanut farmer who went to Washington and did his best to not only for his constituents in Georgia. But also once he became the president did his best for the nation. Was he perfect? Absolutely not. Human is. But he took the good fortune he had been offered and used that as a springboard to do terrific humanitarian work and go out and eradicate this horrific parasite in the guinea worm and did this tremendous service to people he not only did not know but had no real connection with. And then when even further than that and spent decades of his life, volunteering for habitat for humanity and giving of himself to people less fortunate. And I think any man can look at that and see a great example of how to handle success, gracefully and meaningfully. But also just how to devote your life to service of others and to take strength and validation from that.

    **John Cena** is a man who is very recently been challenging the definition of traditional masculinity, and been unafraid in doing so. He was a traditional macho man wall of solid muscle that young boy could woke up too as a wrestler and now that he is out and about as an actor he is consistently showing that just because he does things like wear a wig or where women’s clothing for a role or just play. A very soft and friendly character, does not mean that that masculinity is diminished. Beyond that, the man is the most frequent donator of his time to the Make-A-Wish foundation.

    **Gary Sinease** to be clear, I do not agree with most of Gary sinise’s politics. We share very different views on the world. However, what this man has used his success for, raising countless thousands of dollars for the wounded warrior project, taking his own money to spend on the children of fallen veterans and to act in a semi-fatherly capacity for them after their actual fathers gave their lives for their country? Admirable across the board and undeniably. Any young man can look at someone who uses their success and uses their platform in that meaningful way and finds out only inspiration but guidance.

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