I (25F) want to hear your stories. I have been with my partner for 10 years now and I feel like we are having the best sex of our lives at this point.

I struggled for years with a low libido due to birth control and stress, but my life is looking very different these days. I got off of the BC, I’m doing really well in general and my sex drive has skyrocketed. Almost to the point where it is too much to handle. My poor husband has a hard time keeping up with me but he tries.

In this new season I have felt so sexy and powerful and I CANNOT get enough. I am just gushing for my husband’s touch constantly. It has been a lot of fun.

I would just love to hear from anyone else who has experienced something similar. As someone who struggled with the opposite problem for years, I find it really encouraging.

  1. Yes!! I’m currently going through the same thing.

    Lost my virginity in an unpleasant way at 17, had several partners since then who were very inexperienced or just incompatible. Spent the last two years telling anyone who dared ask if I was dating anyone that I was aggressively asexual.

    Earlier this year I got back into reading smut and romance and stuff and so I got back on tinder for another shot, and had yet another terrible experience.

    But I’ve been seeing a therapist and she encouraged me to give it another go, when in April I met my current partner. And holy fucking shitballs, he is incredible.

    The first time we had sex I cried on the drive home from his house because it was so good and I was worried it would never happen again. And then we kept having amazing sex and getting closer in our relationship.

    Now we’re in love, we’re doing all sorts of kinky stuff I’ve only ever fantasised about before, and I feel like every time just gets better and better. We live about 40 mins away from each other and only see each other once a week, but the last couple of times we’ve seen each other we’ve had sex 3-4 times in like 18 hours or less. Wednesday of last week it was 3 times in 3 hours. I just can’t get enough, I think about him all the time, and because he’s such an incredible lover it makes me want to be a great lover too.

    So yes, my sexual awakening is happening and I’m feeling very fulfilled atm 😂

  2. Mid 40s with kids and in last two years my wife and I have hit a glorious phase. Went from decent relatively regular nice sex to fantastic most days of the week varied sex with vibrators, dildos, spanking, porn, deep throating, cum in mouth etc etc. Been awesome and so much fun. Where it came from not sure but we did the Mojoupgrade.com test and then watched some porn off back of that. Wife said the porn really helped as she saw women of all sorts of not perfect shapes.dpung stuff. Seemed to flip a switch in head and here we are 🙂

  3. Me & my husband had our 2nd (& last) child 8 weeks ago. Since then, we cannot get enough of each other! We resumed sex when I was 4 weeks postpartum as that’s when I stopped bleeding & aside from when I got my period, we’ve had sex almost every day.

    I’ve been on birth control for over half my life (I’m 29 in a few weeks & been on the pill/implant/injection since I was 13. Originally for mood swings) but now that I’m not on anything hormonal, my sex drive is crazy & I just want to mount my husband all the time. He’s recently had a vasectomy so I don’t know if that’s part of it for us – knowing we aren’t/can’t have any more kids so there’s no fear there.

    For the moment, we’re using condoms of course but I’ve got my doctors appointment this week for my postpartum check up. I’m hoping to go back on the injection for a little while until my husband has his follow up appointment for the snip to make sure there’s no more swimmers. But knowing we’re so close to getting rid of condoms again excites us even more.

    While our daughter is still in our room, we’re having to keep things quiet/under control so as to not wake her but when she moves to her own room, I can’t wait for what’s to come as its already 🔥 compared to before!

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