Just like the title says, people don’t like me (19F) – for no reason. I have a really hard time making friends even if I try and initiate the conversation, people just reply and barely try to maintain the conversation. I’m not very social but I wouldn’t call myself socially awkward either. I know how to keep a conversation going smoothly but other people are just so dry to me and don’t even try. I also always try to be a nice and helpful person so I know that it’s not because of my personality either.

Is it just bad luck or do people just don’t like me because I look ugly or unapproachable? Or might there be another reason?

  1. tbh I feel like this is just the default way people interact in 2023. You’re probably not doing anything wrong, everybody else has gone crazy.

  2. You’re not at all ugly. And I can tell because the way you wrote your words convey you have an awesome heart

    If you’re down to chat, dm me. Building a good friendship (trying) takes commitment and I’m all here for it

  3. Totally get this. It’s a process but I think the more you put out that you’re looking for friends/ are kind to people, the more you’ll start to attract them. And maybe this is just allowing you time to grow. As hard as it seems, learn to love spending time with yourself. You might even find a friend doing that.

  4. I’m 38f. Making friends in the adult world is different than in school. You’re meeting all kinds of people from all different walks of life, with all kinds of goals and personalities. You’re going to find you won’t make friends most of the people you meet. And it’s okay. It’s normal to not be friends with every person. It’s a big world. You won’t mesh with everyone. Don’t look at it as rejection. It isn’t. It simply means that vibe isn’t there. Try joining clubs or other group hobby things. Like books? Join a book club. Knitting? Find a class. Pottery? Same. Find things you enjoy, join a group version that meets in person. Having something in common right off the bat is a good start. You’ll get there, just don’t force it if they or you don’t feel it.

  5. Based on your post I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. There could be multiple reasons why people don’t really reply as enthusiastically such as location, the type of people placed in the group, what event it is, etc. I’ve went to multiple hangouts before and there has been many times where people don’t reply as much as I do and I suspect it’s just some people don’t vibe much with certain people. Don’t worry about it.

  6. I’ve found that I make new friends easiest when I do something on a regular basis.

  7. Tbh it’s a trial and error in friends. You have to keep engaging in people to get any to stick. That’s the thing, there’s going to be a lot of no’s. But a great amount of yes’s!! Hope this helps!

  8. I might have the same issue, when talking to people, the other ones are also very dry during the dialogue and they look like they would just go up and leave. I tried changing my behaviour and I found out that most of the time, the issue could be with the essence an idea is presented, because people hate being bored and if you can keep a conversation, you might not keep an entertaining conversation for both parties, which makes them clock out and stop engaging. Try expressing your feelings/ideas in a different way and sometimes maybe even more intimate way, that will get other people like you more. And don’t forget to make the other party be connected and understood, because a conversation is always about a connection, an idea presented using words and waves generated in your vocal, which carries information into the other person’s mind, you have to make the conversation worth their time, otherwise it’s meaningless and they would just think about the better times they could have talking to somebody else that actually gives the words the meaning they should carry. Find guidance in your journey.

  9. My best friend use to complain about this exactly and she never understood why, until a male friend told her that she look like a porn star and some people will stay away because of what they think she is and others because what she is not. When he told her that something clicked in her head and she never complain about that anymore.
    I don’t say this is your case but maybe is not because of you.
    And also 2023 people is not very open to relationships/friendships, they have a very weird idea.

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