I (F,22) started seeing this guy from the gym i go to and we became friends and somehow the topic of dating and aging started and i said how i cannot see myself dating 19y/o or younger. we both started liking each other and as he claimed he was 20, we hungout alot and even hooked up multiple times. after a month of seeing each other one evening we were just talking and he told me the truth about him being 18, he claimed that he really just wanted and really liked me. he seemed genuine and im very hurt. age is not even a big deal at this point because it is legal and i could see myself compromising if another person acts mature but its about the ethics. he lied to me and even continued a sexual relationship when the whole time he was lying to me. he had multiple chances to tell me but he did not. i’m really lost on what to think and do? i’ve thought about going no contact and giving it a week and then talk to him. opinions???

  1. Well, he was attracted to you but you told him that dating wouldn’t be possible if a man is younger than 19. You didnt leave him many options.

    Sure, he could’ve been honest but at that point he prolly figured you will reject him because of his age. Girls do care about age a lot. Most girls prefer the dude to be at the very least their own age or slightly older.

    He lied to you because it was either that or losing his chance.

    Put yourself in his shoes.

    Hot guy, funny af and into you but you know for a fact he wont date a girl younger than 19.

    And youre 18.

    I dont think its a big deal. If he lies about other things…yeah. but about being 1 year older?


    Using makeup as a girl is more of a lie than saying im one year younger.

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