So me(M22) and my gf(F21) had a crush on eachother since long. But inbetween this, she accepted another guy(M21) because he was trying too hard to get her ( she didn’t love him). But soon she realised this is not right and she told him the reason and broke up with him. After that she confessed to me and since i had the same feelings for her I accepted her. We’ve both been very happy but apparently this boy(her ex) won’t stop making efforts and trying to get her back. She tried explaining him twice more but he isn’t budging, ( he beleives that if he tries hard enough he’ll get her). This is getting a little bit uncomfortable now. We both feel guilty and bad for him :((. What do we do ??

tl;dr :- Me and my gf are feeling guilty for her ex as he’s too nice and trying too hard to get her(she doesn’t love him).

  1. As I said he’s a nice guy… I just want some advice to how to make him understand his wrong actions.

  2. “Dont be a quitter”
    “Go for what you want”

    Alot ot women experience guys not accepting a NO because society tells us to not accept defeat, but to keep fighting for what we want…

    How is he trying?? Phone?? Showing up at home/work??

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