So I [21M] recently met with someone [23F] and have been hanging with them for about a week now. She’s pretty nice and I enjoy being around her, but I between me still being in university w/ her not and learning that she has several health issues (including and especially PCOS), that makes me feel kind of unsure about further pursuing a relationship. Again, she is absolutely amazing as a person, but I feel like if I’m already having hesitancy about it, then that may not be a good sign for later. I especially don’t want to hurt her feelings, since she does seem interested in me and I would like to at least keep a friendship, but I also don’t want to waste her time. Idk, what’s y’all’s thoughts? Am I being being a jerk having these concerns considering none of these are in her control, or is my worries valid?

TL;DR: I’m unsure about this person I started dating a week ago for reasons out of her control, and am looking for opinions.

1 comment
  1. Again, if you don’t want to date a woman with fertility issues, don’t date a woman with fertility issues.

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