A friend of mine was going through a rough break up and asked if I wouldn’t mind going on a drive. She said something about not doing well and needing someone to talk to. Of course I agreed. When we got back to my place I asked if she wanted to come inside to watch a movie.

An aside here, I had no intentions of going anywhere or doing anything with this girl. She was fresh out of a relationship, not really my type, and quite immature in my opinion. I asked her to watch the movie because I was trying to distract her from being sad. I’m romantically clueless and had no idea what I was potentially suggesting.

She came inside, we got about halfway through the movie, and she scoots over on the couch and lays her head on my shoulder. Fine, whatever, I guess that’s fine. Still not realizing what’s happening, and it takes her turning my head and kissing me for me to realize what the hell is happening. I pushed her away, said that I’m not looking for anything, and she just said she wanted to forget her ex by sleeping with me.

I wasn’t down with that, I actually have some self respect and don’t want to be used like that. I told her we could finish the movie but I wasn’t interested. We watched the movie for 10 more minutes and she started taking her clothes off and trying to kiss me. It was at that point I stood up and told her she needed to leave.

She started going on about how I was the one who asked for this and how if I was a good friend I would just do it. I steered her toward my door and told her to leave again. She finally did after I threatened to call the police.

I didn’t hear from her for a few days, and then I get a call from a concerned mutual friend saying that this girl said I touched her and took advantage of her in a vulnerable state. The friend said she had told different stories to different people. My friend said she didn’t really belive the girl because I’m not that kind of person but she wanted to let me know.

She’s now texting me saying she’s sorry she said all those things and wants to still be friends. I just blocked her. How can I be friends with someone who accused me of something like that? What should I do? Do I involve the police?

TL;DR girl kissed me and then said I sexually assaulted and took advantage of her to other people, now she wants to be friends.

  1. I don’t think you should be this persons friend.

    I do think she is obligated to contact anyone she’s spread her lies to and correct what she said.

    Keep screenshots of those messages where she confesses the truth.

  2. If she’s saying that to people, I would get detailed confirmation in text from her that she was lying (if you haven’t already). It’s for your safety if this escalates. I would show the texts to friends you care about in person, so they know it’s not fake screenshots. Then block.

  3. Block her and save your texts of her admitting she lied. If it’s not explicitly stated, text her back only to get physical proof that nothing happened.

    She is a psycho. Run. Far. Away.

    Why would you want to be friends with someone who tried to spread such a heinous rumor about you? That could potentially get you in a lot of trouble. Not intelligent to have someone like that in your life.

  4. what the actual HELL? I’m so sorry dude but that’s absolutely NOT ok. What the hell. I would definitely try to get it in writing from her that she was lying and feels bad but she was saying those things because she was just pissed off she didn’t get her way – Aaaaafter you get that in writing, then re-block her. Because she’s a crazy if she’s going to be pulling those cards. Those are dangerous for you!

  5. Friends don’t do that, I would ask her in text why she telling lies like that just to cover your ass and then block her.

  6. If she admitted to lying keep that and send it to anyone who asks. But never let this person around you again

  7. I would file a police report. Protect yourself. Who knows how far she will take this.

  8. I wouldn’t continue being friends with someone who couldn’t take no for an answer until police presence was threatened, who then turned around and accused *me* of sexual assault.

  9. Block and never look back. This woman immediately spread a rumor that could easily not only ruin your personal life but also professional and land you in jail if she told the wrong people. She was willing to mess your life up because she’s emotionally unstable. Run far away

  10. I would get your side of the story out to all your friends ASAP, but it’s probably already too late to “control the narrative”.

    Unfortunate but it is your word vs hers, and people will usually believe the woman’s side by default (ever heard of “me too”?)

    Screenshot any texts between you and her and save them along with any other evidence you can get your hands on

    I would got 100% no-contact with her… she’s got some audacity to want to still be friends after pulling this crap…

    If you have any mutual friends who take her side, go no-contact with them as well.

  11. No you can’t be friends. I would tell her she needs to come clean to everyone she told or you’ll be pressing charges.

  12. You can never be UNaccused of sexual assault. Never be friends with her, and protect yourself at all costs.

  13. She’s a predator in more ways than one. If you can get proof to protect yourself, texts or a recording of her acknowledging her false claim and unwelcome advances, do it.

  14. Never be around her again. I would show people the text where she said she lied. If she continues then bring the police into it with statements of what she is saying.

  15. I hope you kept screenshots of her admitting she lied. And no, I would no longer be her friend. She cannot be trusted and who knows what else she will accuse you of if you are around her again?

  16. Block her, save all the messages where she apologizes and go to.the police so a file is made.

    Never in any form talk to again.

  17. Dude, this girl could have potentially ruined your life and reputation. You shouldn’t go anywhere near her or be in contact with her ever again.

    And save those texts of her for legal purposes.

  18. Bro, contact the police and press charges. This is fucking crazy and you’re gonna have problems later on if she continues to do what she is doing. Don’t just block her, get a fucking restraining order and clear your name before it effects other parts of your life.

  19. Show everybody her texts admitting she lied, first of all. Never accept her back into your life. She could have (and apparently would have gladly) RUINED YOUR LIFE. Sexual assault accusations are not a fucking joke- they’re not something to fling at someone else just because you’re mad they aren’t romantically interested in you. That’s sickening.

  20. There are a lot of skeezy guys out there who won’t realize what creeps they are.

    Here you are firmly saying no, walking away, escorting her out, and even having too ut

  21. you’d have to be an idiot to be her friend after this

    I’m also gonna refer people to this story next time anyone says anything about men’s fragile mental in regards to getting rejected, lol

  22. No? Why would you want to remain friends with someone that is making that type of accusation? Frankly you might have a case for her assaulting you and additionally getting a restraining order.

  23. You need to stay as far away from her as possible. There is nothing alright with making those accusations and yet still being in your orbit. Block her on everything and have no contact whatsoever

  24. Keep her blocked and if you feel comfortable go to the police. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this I can’t stand women who lie about sa.

  25. Yes. You MUST call the police NOW. Actually, I don’t understand why you haven’t already done it. Your liberty and your reputation are hanging by a thread (and I speak for personal experience here).

  26. Is this really a question? Hell no you don’t stay friends with her. Or anyone that believed her. You might tell her that if she wants to be friends she has to call everyone and tell them she lied. But I’d block her as soon as she was done.

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