Aside from being controlling this guy (i am no longer seeing) is too frugal.

He got angry because i used a few tissues too many, only shops reduced stickers and splits the bill with friends to the penny.

He has money and grew up abroad with money. Why would he behave like this if he has always had money?

I find it extreme.

I have dated guys with far less who pay for everything. This is another deal breaker with him.

TDLR: He is too frugal and there is no poverty. I cannot stand it.



  1. There’s a type there, I know one of those, and he’s a millionaire. I suppose that’s how he stays that way. However, when quality of life suffers, that’s not a good trade.

    He’s too old for you anyway. I’m over 60 myself and I’m saying this. Go find someone poorer but willing to have a lot of fun, closer to your age, who wants to climb mountains. The decades are going to slip away faster than you know….don’t waste time.

  2. It’s not aside from being controlling, it’s part of being controlling. Bet his family is the same way, but he is capable of making his own choices and chose to miserably micromanage.

    But let it go, boo. Not your circus, not your monkeys.

  3. Years ago,I got a “B” in a grade seven class. Your exbf is frugal. Why do you care?

  4. Years ago,I got a “B” in a grade seven class. Your exbf is frugal. Why do you care?

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