When speaking to someone new, putting yourself out there, talking about personal things….the fear of rejection or invalidation is always there. How do you overcome it?

  1. I never really had an issue feeling vulnerable or being afraid of rejection, but i don’t like go out on dates with strangers either lol

  2. Ask yourself why validation matters to you and work on reframing your mindset from there. It’s also helpful to ask yourself if you even like the person who’s rejecting you or making you feel less than great. Many times I feel like women are so zoned in on rejection and we forget that it especially shouldn’t matter when we’re being rejected by people we don’t even like that much ourselves. Often times it’s simply a compatibility issue and nothing personal. I.e. one person may think you talk to much while another perceives you as very sociable. Not everyone will like me and the sooner I get over one meet that doesn’t go well, the sooner I’m moving on to more potential of meeting the right people!

  3. Practice with people who have a built a trustworthy report with me. They’re vulnerable with me because I treat them well and they know I care about them deeply. They give me the same energy so I feel comfortable opening up with them.

    At the same time, don’t give my vulnerability to people who haven’t earned it. Not setting myself up for failure allows me to keep feeling safe about being vulnerable

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