I can’t even remember. ATMs, online and call centres only, all seem to work fine.


  1. aaaagh!

    Mrs tmstms does not have online banking anyway…but on 25 July she was paid by cheque and they ALSO spelled her name wrong. The account she was paid from did not have bank transfer facilities as it is only used about 6 times a year.

    Yesterday (so, 3 weeks later), was the first time we had the chance to go to the bank and fortunately the cashier accepted the mis-spelling.

  2. I switched energy providers and the company I left decided to send me my balance as a cheque. I know I can pay it into an ATM but I was unsure of the process so I went to a bank in case I needed to ask any questions.

    As it turned out, it was really straightforward and automated anyway

  3. A few months ago.

    I did a switch from Lloyds ages ago but the savings account bit remained open with 24p in😅

    I wanted to close it but it had gone into a frozen state where I couldn’t close it online so had to go into the branch with ID etc so they could close it.

    It was quite embarrassing when they closed it and said “now we’ll give you your savings in cash with a receipt”…..and counted out the 24p in change on the counter😅

  4. about 3 months ago. My phone company sent me a cheque, I went into a bank to pay it in. (used a machine, mind, but it was inside the bank!)

  5. Last year. I bank with First Direct but typically deposit cash into it at the Post Office.

    I wasn’t aware that the Post Office could also process cheques, and I couldn’t put one through on the app because it had ended up being crinkled up so it couldn’t read it, so whilst I was in my local town, I popped into HSBC and they put it through for me

  6. A few months, but only because a business cheque I had received (yes some organisations still use cheques lol) didn’t scan readily using my banking app, so had to be re-presented over the counter instead. That scenario is pretty much the only reason I visit the branch these days.

  7. About 5 years ago.

    Only because the bank was super backwards and required a form to be taken into the branch for a opening an account. I’ve since moved away from them. Probably years before that too.

  8. About 18 months ago. I had to cancel my card due to fraud and needed some cash to tide me over until my new card arrived. Went in with ID, explained the situation and was able to get some cash out.

  9. Last year. We went in to arrange to get the kids their own bank accounts. You have to go into the bank for all, if not at least part of the process with Lloyds, which imo is ridiculous in this day and age, especially when they’re closing branches here, there, and everywhere.

  10. Some time earlier this year. I had a Career Development Loan with the Co-operative Bank, who have the worst online UI imaginable. To not spend another hour on hold with customer services, I walked to a physical branch to reset a password.

    Thankfully that loan is now paid off and I never have to deal with them again.

  11. December 2021. I’d paid them the day before to send my house deposit to the solicitors and the stupid bastards hadn’t done it. My solicitor called at 9:30 to say if it wasn’t with them by 11 I’d be in breach of contract so I had to go back to the bank. Initially they were like, well we’ll help you raise a complaint, but the stress of it all after saving for a deposit for over a decade got to me and I full on ugly cried at them and it was magically sorted just in time. I still have nightmares about it. I’m sure the poor new guy shadowing the person I cried at does as well, and I’m equally sure he never wore his comedy Jingle Belly jumper to work again either.

  12. About a month ago, to physically pay in Premium Bond winnings (one handred and fifty nicker in six twenty-five quid cheques) now I can no longer rip a paying-in slip from the back of my cheque book and put it in the post. My bank used to be a short walk away but I had to get a bus to Brixton tube and then to Victoria and a longish walk to the bank.

  13. I was doing work experience 15 years ago and the music shop I worked at asked me to go deposit the takings for the week.

    Other than that one experience I don’t think I’ve ever actually gone into a bank tbh.

  14. Went into the bank to deposit a load of cash a few weeks ago. Just used the machine inside there to do it though, no human interaction.

  15. Every time I withdraw cash I choose to go inside the bank. Warmer in winter, less chance of being overlooked.

  16. Couple years ago when I closed my help to buy ISA as I was buying my first place. For whatever reason you can’t do it online (even though I opened it online) so had to go into branch to do it.

  17. About 7/8 years ago. I just moved house and had to pay the deposit for the rental, and they would only accept cash. Felt terrifying carrying £1,500 around.

  18. Few months back, because I was trying to move money from a savings account to husband’s account to pay off a chunk of mortgage as we remortgaged, and they were exceptionally paranoid about it. I had.to go a second time even after taking in my and his passports, his bank statement, proof he’d paid the first chunk to said mortgage…

  19. When I got married and changed my name I had to go into the branch, which I get but what about banks that are online only? They must manage to do things like that without seeing the person.

  20. About 18 months ago. For some reason they set up a business account for a sole trader as complex signing rather than simple signing and no-one on the phone could seem to understand the problem as it wasn’t the kind of thing they get in their flowchart script sheets.

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