Hello everyone, I’m currently expecting my second child with my husband and I’m trying to decide between another c-section or a VBAC. My first was an elective c-section and everything went great, but my toddler is currently always trying to climb me and have me hold him and I’m worried about recovering from a second c-section since he always wants me to hold him (he’s about 28lbs). I’m leaning towards a VBAC since I think the recovery will be easier with a toddler.

However, (this may sound superficial) but my sex life with my husband is also really important to me, and I’m worried how a vaginal birth will change how it feels for me and him. After my c-section, sex felt exactly like pre-pregnancy right at six weeks postpartum, and I’m worried that won’t be the case after a vaginal birth. My husband says it wouldn’t matter to him and he wants me to do what I’m comfortable with, but if it changes things then that matters to me lol

I’m looking from input from other moms and their partners; did you find it different? If so, was it permanent or how long did it take to go back to before?

  1. Sex felt no different for me after either of my vaginal births.

    With my second one we were having sex 2 weeks after (ok’d by my doctor) and it was fine.

  2. My wife has had three vaginal births and her pussy is the same; perfect, her pussy is perfect. And she reaches orgasm the same as always.

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