Things escalated fast.

He invited me to on a nice planned date but instead of going on the date he kept me there with his emotional state.

We didn’t go on the date instead I had to go console him for 15 hours without any food or water.

He wouldn’t let me go, I was too scared to run out.

He has trauma from his mother dying recently (or so he says) and broke down. I kept saying I was unwell ( i became unwell as i knew i was imprisoned) and he swore at me.

He wanted the sole focus on his problem, I was dismissed from being unwell. He said “if you leave you will kill me”.

I later realised he had been drinking alone.

Instead of a romantic date I got his problems, his trauma and false promises of future plans (which i didn’t respond to).

I kept saying I’m ill out of hunger which didn’t bother him. There wasn’t even water.

I fled in the end after promising to come back quickly.

I have ignored his calls until today.

Somehow he has me scared and emotionally connected. I don’t want to see or hear from him again but need to phase him out as i don’t want his emotional state to worsen and he does something silly. He knows roughly where i live.

What do i do to phase him out.

(Telling him why will not work as he will explode. I need a fast exit. the illness has bought me some time).

TDLR: He arranged a false date only to not carry it through and give me his problems instead. He was disinterested in anything i had to say unless it related to his problems.

  1. You do not phase him out. He is an abuser and a manipulator, and you don’t cater to abusers or manipulators; all that does is give them a chance to abuse and/or manipulate you into losing your resolve, so that you stay, so that they can abuse/manipulate you *more*.

    What you do is: You walk away, block him on *everything*, and never have any communication with him any more.

    > i don’t want his emotional state to worsen and he does something silly.

    His emotional state is not your responsibility; if he does something “silly”, that’s on him, not on you. But he’s not *actually* going to do anything; he’s using the threat that he *will* do something (and the guilt that he knows you would feel about it) as a way to emotionally manipulate you into staying.

    Walk away. Never look back.

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