As a Californian, I would send either Tony Hawk or Jack Black.

  1. Aliens. Pffft. *pours them drinks and gets out more fireworks.* welcome to the party.

    It’s Florida. Any one of us will do.

  2. Does it have to be a celebrity? I’d pick either my mom or one of my undergard professors.

  3. SoCal is overflowing with cool ppl, but my first thought was Tony Hawk. dudes a fuckin legend

  4. Springsteen I guess, given that Sinatra is dead.

    But I’d be tempted to send Danny Devito for the lols.

  5. Burt Reynolds. Tom Selleck you could make a case for too since he was Magnum P.I. We’ll throw Dr. Ken Jeong in there too.

  6. Anna Kendrick

    Probably the coolest currently living Mainer that anyone’s heard of at least.

    Stephen King basically doesn’t count anymore since he’s been in Florida the past 15+ years

  7. Can Derek Jeter count for New York in this case, or do we have to give him to Michigan by birth?

  8. Tony Hawk???? Fuck that! I’m Sending Snoop Dogg and trash bag full of weed. He’ll hotbox that spaceship and take it over.

  9. Man, I live in Nebraska all of our coolest people are dead. Hillary Swank maybe if it has to be someone alive.

  10. Probably not the “coolest” but probably most well liked probably Drew Carey or Halle Berry. LeBron James would probably be “coolest”. I’d put Neil Armstrong up there too for his space factor.

  11. J Law is probably a safer bet than Johnny Depp at this point. But really the most universally cool person in Kentucky is probably minding their own business making moonshine in their shed while being a secret astrophysics supergenius.

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