Hi all. Let me preface this with I genuinely feel stupid even posting about this but my brain feels scattered and I need all the help I can get. I’m a 27f (turning 28 in 2 weeks). I’ve never had a serious boyfriend, I’ve “talked” to about 2-3 men, nothing that ever lasted more than a few months and none ever reached the point of exclusivity.

Let me also just mention that i don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with me (at least i hope not😂). I just genuinely believe I haven’t met “the one” yet. I’m an introvert and have a pretty set routine (work then workout on weekdays and maybe grab dinner with friends on a weekend), but i still go on dates here and there.

Anyways, about 3 years ago I matched with this guy on Hinge. I feel like this is a good time to mention I’m still a virgin. I’ve “messed around” once or twice but there’s a lot sexually i have not yet experienced. Yes I’m sexually frustrated but that’s a topic for another time. This guy and I went on 1 dinner date back in 2020, had a great time, he didn’t try anything and dropped me off. I texted him the morning after thanking him, he replied he also had a great time and then we both mutually just never really reached out again. About a year ago, he started snapping me (34 year old man who still uses Snapchat that should’ve been my first red flag).

After talking for a week or two we went on another date. I felt much more confident the second time around because i had shed some fat, changed my hair, and just overall felt “prettier” this man also has a very physical athletic build, which is very different from the prior guys I’ve talked too, so that made me a little nervous but nonetheless, i put my best foot forward and we went on the second date. Another dinner date but this time we got more handsy. Mainly just a really intense make out. We hung out one more time after that which got a bit more intense, however, we did not have sex. Fast forward to a month ago we hung out a third time and went further (still no sex) i had mentioned i was a virgin in the past, so he knows. The last time we hung out he tried to initiate sex but I stopped it (I just don’t feel comfortable yet although it’s extremely tempting). I feel like he goes out with other girls (based on certain Snapchat stories) which is fine, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable with it because I do feel some type of way with this guy when I’m with him. I’m afraid I’ll emotionally fuck myself if I sleep with him.

The other part of me just says fuck it. We have a really intense sexual chemistry and I can tell he would make it an erm…enjoyable experience. I’m extremely physically attracted to him. I’ve always told myself I would want to sleep with someone I have an emotional connection with only but that’s becoming difficult. Should I go for it? Or just let this guy go and avoid the emotional chokehold I’ll be putting myself in?

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