I’m talking to this guy about being FWB’s and asked when he was last tested. He said “Awhile.” Ok..?

I asked for clarification until he finally admitted it had been around 2 years, but he used condoms with the women he has been with and he “knows he’s clean.”


You have so many options nowadays to get tested that it’s a red flag he just couldn’t be bothered. I literally booked a next day appointment a week ago at a CVS Minute Clinic and had results in 24 hours. They even draw blood on site for HIV, Hep, etc.

There is NO EXCUSE.

And this is not an isolated incident. The number of times I’ve been told, “I know I’m clean” by a man I’m talking to before we meet is infuriating.

Go get tested!!!

  1. Don’t have sex with anyone who says “I know I’m clean.” They are almost certainly not “clean”

  2. I work in healthcare and the amount of people I’ve worked with who had NO SYMPTOMS BUT STILL TESTED POSITIVELY have made me go celibate.

  3. I’ve begun getting tested far more often as I’ve gotten older, but I think I’m just dumb because I pay every time. Where can you get tested for free? My friends say it’s possible but I just don’t know where and this shit ain’t cheap lol

  4. I a 110% agree luv I don’t know 🤷🏾‍♂️ wtf this dude issue is but yeah stay the hell away from that dude because I would love to be that 🆙 front with my sexual partner about getting tested and have no issue with disclosing my results bcuz take sexual health very very very seriously yeah my manz is a over red flag 🚩 I applaud 👏🏾 you for getting yourself away from that potential situation 🙅🏾‍♂️🙌🏾🫶🏾&✌🏾

  5. I’m asking for proof on paper, lol. I ain’t playing around.

    The last time I got tested my doctor warned that there was antibiotic-resistant syphilis going around in the area. I didn’t even know that was a thing.

  6. I think men just have fewer health issues than we do, and they come to think they’re impervious to disease, and/or they literally don’t go to the doctor’s office as often for even a physical, so they have fewer, “while I’m at it,” situations in which to get tested.

  7. Disgusting!

    Having strict boundaries regarding sexual health and getting tested is so vital!

  8. If one is a virgin (including no hand jobs or oral received or given), should one still consider getting tested?

  9. As a man, this is always weird to hear, because I’M usually the one telling women to get tested regularly and they’re just like “I know I’m clean”.

    NOPE I ain’t sticking my dick in that on your shit intuition to get a disease to remember. I see women of all kinds, but I WISH they were the ones being as careful as I am because I’m always the one being cautious.

  10. THIS terrifies me about the prospect of dating now. I’m in my late 30’s and haven’t dated for awhile. A long awhile… for a lot of reasons. Anyway, the game sure has changed. Casual sex is WAY more popular and people seem super casual about STD’s now. Why people?! WTF?

    I’m seriously thinking I might just not bother with dating at all. I like having my health and all that far more than I need sex with a partner. Sure, I have needs…that I can take care of myself anyway. I DO miss the emotional connection of having someone in my life. However, I don’t know if I want to gamble with dating. It seems like people sleep with anything that moves these days. Kind of grosses me out if I’m honest.

  11. Two people I knew that are into fwb/hookup culture don’t get tested often. I asked and one of them just says, “every once in a while”. Like once a year.

    Seriously don’t understand why they just don’t care!

  12. I had the same discussion yesterday. The man didn’t even know you could get infected via oral.

    He also said he knows he’s clean. Yeah how do you know that when you don’t get tested?

  13. I don’t understand why people just don’t do it together that way you have each other’s company and you can both know that each other is good it’s not that difficult i make it a habit to get tested after a relationship because you never know better safe than sorry

  14. What’s funny is I can say “I know I’m clean” and be telling the truth. It’s been ages since I even went out on a date, let alone tried to have sex. I would think if I did somehow manage to get something there’d be signs by now.

  15. My hubby and I are open. We both get tested every 3 months and also both take prep.

    I seriously don’t understand how people take the route of ignorance and denial over looking after their own health.

    STIs aren’t going away and some of them can be really nasty.

  16. Not to say that getting tested is not useful but even if a person was tested one month ago and does it regularly you should wear the condom anyway.

    Testing enters into play when you get to be regular at least. ONSs should never happen without condoms. Tests can be falsely negative and there is a gap between when you get infected and a test results positive. Incubation is a thing.

  17. I’m a guy from the UK where do you get tested I honestly have no clue do I see my GP or what?

    I’m a virgin so I’m 100% I’m clean but I wouldn’t want to tell anyone that so thy want me to get a test anyway.

  18. Is it so important to get tested even if you always plan to use a condom? Like for people that just have casual sex with one night stands and things of that nature.

  19. Sating that people should get tested for STD seems to be a very unpopular opinion in here.

    It is so easy, it’s cheap/free and you have an answer in no time. There really is no excuse not to do it.

  20. date 1 man, nobody is getting tested for you, everytime u sleep with 100 guys get ur act together, world doesn’t revolve around you

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