I am f37 and my partner is m40 he struggles with getting off and I think it’s related to a sensation issue. He does have a torn frenulum from about 10 plus years ago and he was single for a long time before me so lots of masturbation. Sex is a struggle with him because yes it last a long time (great) but it most times results in him unable to get off and he tires himself out incredibly. He has to thrust so hard he legit is going mac5 on me!! Then if I become a little dry from being Jack hammered on for 45 minutes I feel so chaffed and sore after. How can I help him with this issue so sex can be enjoyable for us both.

1 comment
  1. Maybe look into getting condoms or lube with a sensitizing agent like K-Y gel. That could knock out two birds with one stone.

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