What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

  1. About 170mph on a motorcycle.

    A while after that someone turned left in front of me at a stoplight. Apparently it being a clear day, when I was wearing a white jacket, red helmet, and flashing light on the front of the bike didn’t make me obvious enough. If I was a tenth of a second slower I would have hit him. If they had pulled out a second later I would have hit them at 60mph closing speed and if I was lucky I would have just died. I decided that wasn’t for me anymore and sold the bike.

    I wouldn’t pass up the chance to ride a bike around a closed track, but on the street full of people on cell phones… Nah.

  2. Skateboarded down the steepest hill in town with traffic flooring and no helmet.

    Jumped off a tree into a river.

    Driven too fast too many times down small country lanes.

    Put french bangers in glass bottles to make grenades.

    Took a BB gun to school

    So many stupid things. Teenage me did not think of the future.

    Oh I also told my wife her ass did indeed look big. That’s probably the most dangerous thing I’ve done.

  3. Undergone brain surgery. Obviously I had an experienced neurosurgeon and team doing it, but taking the surgery into account, one fuck up could have caused countless complications that would have made my life from then a living hell.

  4. Nearly shot my neighbour in the head with a 45.. I was 17, the gun was my dads.. and he was trying to break into our home.

    I was home alone and didn’t recognise him.. he didn’t see me as he was looking down trying to get his footing right while pulling himself up through the window frame of the bathroom. I stood less than a foot away point blank at one point.

    I couldn’t do it.. I was scared, shaking.. usually being broken into when you’re at home means death or worse in South Africa.. slid back into hiding.

    I decided to wait till he was firmly through the window.. he gave up. I threw up.. 5 minutes later I saw him walk over the garden and that’s when I recognised him.

    Scariest moment of my life.. would have changed me forever. Crime was too crazy in South Africa.. 2 years later we all immigrated.

  5. One time while on shrooms I walked across this log that had fallen and laying over a 30 foot drop into a raging river. Lots of fun, very empowering, I definitely conquered my fear of heights but it was super dangerous and I’ll never do that again.

  6. I was a passenger in a car where everyone was way too drunk, but we drove home anyway. Sorta crashed twice, but at very low speed, so nobody got hurt, but that was just dumb luck.

  7. Not to brag and make everyone else’s dangerous event feel like child’s play but…

    Fall in love.

  8. Crashed some jets coming aboard USS Independence.

    The first time, my pilot went to idle at the ramp to come down to land, and we came down like a ton of bricks. Blew up the right main mount, tore the drop tank open, and fucked up my back. Came skidding to a stop (the hook caught the wire, thankfully), but the plumbing to the ripped tank was ruptured and the jet was pumping internal fuel out of the hole. The crew ran toward us, saw the gas, and then ran away from us. We shut down and climbed down, fast.

    Second time was an electrical cockpit fire that drove our stick trim all the way forward. Varsity coordination by me and flying by my pilot.

    Third time, icing on the inlets produced dual engine compressor stalls when we touched down. Both motors spooled down. If we hadn’t caught the wire, we would have been swimming in very cold water.

  9. When I was in nigeria I was heading to the Abuja airport for a long layover.

    I heard Abuja chronic is dope so I decided to ask around if I could get some.

    A porter at the airport connected me with a taxi driver that knew a dealer at a “hotel” close by.

    All three of us went to the back of the “hotel” and grabbed some drinks. The dealer came we go blazed and I went back to the airport and caught my flight. Gave the taxi driver and porter a nice tip.

    Why was it dangerous?

    I could have easily been kidnapped, happens all the time back home. Nobody would have ever known were I was and there were a bunch of other shady characters seated.

    I sort of got nervous while we walked to the back of the hotel so I bought a round of drinks for everyone and that seemed to ease the tension.

    I traveled with some of the chronic in my carry on. Weed is illegal in Nigeria, Abuja airport has some of the highest levels of security in the country.

    Good times

  10. 34 years on the VFD and there were some things that I recall doing and wonder what I was thinking at the time. Also did some bona-fide stupid shit on a motorcycle when I was a lot younger. I guess the one that stands out was the time my uncle forgot to set the brake on his pickup or leave it in gear and it started rolling down the hill and I chased it down, climbed in, and got it stopped a few feet short of a creek. I was 14 and thought I was hot shit for doing that till dad wound down from giving me hell and said that when the truck was dragging me and I was having a little trouble chinning myself into the cab, my foot was inches from the back wheel and he was sure it was gonna run over me.

  11. I fought a feral pig to save my younger sister. Thing was relatively small, slightly smaller than me. (I was maybe 11 at the time.) No tusks, though. We were on a trail and had run ahead of our parents. It knocked me over and after a five second scramble, I managed to get on top of it and held it down till my sister returned with my dad and he scared it off. I got out with just some bruises and skinned knees, but it could have been way worse.

  12. On vacation with family. Eating dinner at a tourist trap restaurant, I went to the bathroom. A random, full grown man stopped my 14-15 year old self and invited me to party with him that night. I actually snuck out of my hotel room and walked down a pitch black beach in the middle of the night to find this man for the “party”. Idiot.

  13. Kissing straight men considering I really look like a cute female (let’s make clear the fact I am male).

  14. Not life threatening but definitely would have changed it a little. Worked at a pizza place. Started flipping a chefs knife by the handle. One flip, two flips, and so on. Idk what flip I was in but it went pretty high, it comes down and the back of the knife hits my palm pretty damn hard. A light goes off in my head, WTF AM I DOING! If the knife was reversed, I’d have half a hand.

  15. What I’m about to do.

    Which is using public transport daily, the insecurity in my country has been ridiculous, the police have barely any power, and carrying any type of weapon is illegal.

    So I just hope I get to live

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