I (26m) have met this girl (21f) through some common friends. We got quite close and through one of the common friends I know she likes me in a romantic way. We got close over about 2 months and I got feelings for her to. Even though we were in the same friends circle I asked her out but got rejected. She said that she has feelings for me but doesnt want our friendship to end as she has bad relationship experience and doesnt want to be in one.

We remained friends but after that she said to me multiple times that she has feelings for me or that she thinks Im her ideal guy. On the other hand she pretty much never initiates texts or meetings and takes forever to text back. One time she mentiones to the common friend that Im an amazing guy, attractive etc. and the other she asks her if its a good idea to stay at my place (with other ppl too) because she doesnt want anything to happen.

How do I interpret all of it, am I in the friendzone and should get out asap or is there something there? If you dont want to be together why say all those things?

1 comment
  1. She doesn’t know how to let you down gently. She does not have feelings for you so stop that right now. She’s scared you will snap and harm her if she rejects you. So she’s trying to be nice about it.

    Leave her alone dude. Just cut it off, ghost her. Don’t even try to have a conversation with her about it, it will not go the way you think it will.

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