So I’m living in a sort of boarding school for young adults learning a language with about 150 people from different countries.

I found out during class that a couple people were going camping. Come lunchtime, I found out it was a bigger group and I knew the people who looked to be the organizers. She was asking people around if to confirm if they were going and I was there in the table and she could see me but she didn’t ask me. It was the same person I was talking with earlier about organizing a group trip to another country during the holiday.

Another friend, or should I say acquaintance because everyone really is just an acquaintance, asked if I was going to the trip and I said well I didn’t even know about it and he said well I could probably still go but I just said no because I was feeling hurt.

I have to admit I haven’t really been joining in on many of the activities this week due to going on dates and seeing friends and they may have organized this while I wasn’t there but I was literally in front of them and they didn’t even ask me!

I’m feeling kinda pissed right now.

I supposed I could just text them if I wanted to go, but the fact that they didn’t even ask me makes me not want to associate with them anymore.

Listening to the people invited, it doesn’t really seem like they invited that many people, seemed like kind of a random group. Most people actually didn’t want to commit so they don’t even know who’s going. So here I am in my room fuming and feeling sorry for myself.

1 comment
  1. I don’t blame you for feeling that way! I’d feel the same in your situation. But you do mention you’ve been busy, so perhaps not making the effort to connect with people they way you could be. It’s not enough to know people and occasionally talk to them, you have to bring a bit of warmth, some positivity, some enthusiasm each time you see them. Ask about them, find out about them, drop a bit of info about yourself etc.

    So, use the incident as an opportunity to realize you need to do a better job of going out of your way to CONNECT with people (assuming you want that.)

    Here’s an article I wrote that can help:

    ###[Do YOU Have Good Friendship Traits?](

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