In my personal experience every girls pussy smells different each time but I also have been with multiple sluts and maybe a stank bitch. Tell me if any of you have had this same experience or if I shouldn’t have typed this paragraph and just asked “thoughts?”

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  2. Ph balances. Different levels of acidity essentially. Also, hygiene, which can affect said Ph levels.

  3. Are serious? They all smell the same to me only difference is how much it smells.

    What kind of women you been with my guy and I would get my dick checked if I were you. yeast infections can give men utis I would also get an std panel some stds cause smells

  4. This is something you should maybe ask women 😅 it’s hormones (menstrual cycle mainly), diet, pheromones, mental and physical health, sleep, hydration, and hygiene obviously. Also factors such as smoking, drugs and alcohol influence it strongly.

  5. Luckily the coochie’s I’ve encountered have all been relatively odorless. Although there was this one arabian shorty who’s coochie smelt like the garden of eden lol

  6. in my experience. smoking, diet, age if they drink alot and how much they drink all affect the taste.

    ngl best smell/taste is freshly washed a couple days after period has finished.

    oh dam, thats some good stank

  7. The same reason why the tops of women’s heads smell different from each other.

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