I just don’t know if i’m being unreasonable, i take her away all the time and invite her out with my friends/family all the time. I barely ever get invited out with her friends or family, i’ve given her so many chances for her to try and prove that i mean as much as she says i do but it’s hard believing something that you have to look so hard to find. Just wondering if anyone has any tips. I feel like part of me kind of knows that i deserve better and deserve someone who loves me the way i want to be but the other part of me doesn’t want to lose the last 2 years.

  1. Better to lose 2 years than feel stuck with someone for the rest of your life who you feel doesn’t love you enough.

  2. Does she spend a lot of time with her friends and family? Not everyone shows that they care in this specific way, my relationship would have ended before it began if it came with this prerequisite.

    Does she show you she loves you in other ways?

  3. She’s a girlfriend, she’s not a reassurance machine.

    Having said that, wanting to see her friends and family is a totally valid ask. That’s not needing reassurance, that’s just like wanting to be a part of her life. If I were you, I wouldn’t be asking for reassurance, I’d be asking for change

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