I (f25) been dating my bf (m28) for about 6 months strong. He is sweet and caring and we spend a lot of time together.
Today, I saw a coworker hearted his work message (message was professional and nothing). I asked him about it and was honest. I started to feel a bit down after t that so I asked if he also hearts messages back ( I knew he did) but he lied and said he didn’t.
I know it’s not a big deal to heart messages (even I do it) but I just can’t get over him looking me dead in the eye and lying.

My bf (m28) stated that he was trying to have a good day and stop the argument so he said a white lie. I can’t help feeling dumb for forgiving him so fast but I just feel like crap to be honest. I know he didn’t cheat or lie about something big but what does this even say about me where my guy has to protect my feelings. Kind of feel like a p****


  1. You might want to consider addressing your feelings regarding his little lie. It’s evident that this has caused you some hurt, and if left unaddressed, it could potentially erode your trust in him over time. Instead of allowing these emotions to fester, it might be beneficial to have a calm and open conversation with him about the situation. Let him know that you’re understanding and accepting of such things, and inquire about the reasons behind his choice to lie. It’s important to remember that circumstances can sometimes be beyond our control, and dwelling on this issue excessively may not be productive. While it’s true that if someone is inclined to cheat, they might do so regardless, it’s still worthwhile to have a dialogue and seek understanding. By doing so, you can prevent unnecessary overthinking and work towards a resolution.

  2. While it is a small lie, I find it weird that he would lie about something so inconsequential. It definitely raises some flags, because either he was stupid enough not to think lying matters or there’s something more sinister going on.

  3. Hey OP.. some chat programs only have heart. I think you are overreacting personally but understand your concerns about the emoji…

  4. Your boyfriend might already anticipate that you will be pretty upset for the rest of the day if you know the truth, and try not to aggravate the situation. This might be based on past lessons which i will not have knowledge of.

    What i can advice is to have a talk with him about this, tell him u want to know the truth. But on your end , u have to also make sure u dont get upset after knowing the truth (depending on the situation of course, for this case i think u shouldnt be upset if this is the truth).

    Another advice which i can give is to not toxic in a r/s, both parties should take one step back and resolve the situation.

  5. if you had been fighting with him the entire day about this, i’m not surprised at all that he lied just to get it over with.

    this is not a big deal at all. the lie is a problem, but it depends on how often you fight with him over stuff that doesn’t really matter.

  6. Your boyfriend might already anticipate that you will be pretty upset for the rest of the day if you know the truth, and try not to aggravate the situation. This might be based on past lessons which i will not have knowledge of.

    What i can advice is to have a talk with him about this, tell him u want to know the truth. But on your end , u have to also make sure u dont get upset after knowing the truth (depending on the situation of course, for this case i think u shouldnt be upset if this is the truth).

    Another advice which i can give is to not toxic in a r/s, both parties should take one step back and resolve the situation.

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