I’m asking this because I’m a 22(M) who is about to enter the clubbing world, I already went to a club twice in my life and had a beer or two. Is drinking really necessary in the world of partying ? What are the pros and the cons of it ? and what mistakes should one really avoid ? ( especially a beginner like me)

  1. I’m 22 M, and I always hated clubs until a few years ago. The thing that makes me enjoy or hate the party is the music. If I like the music I dance like nobody is watching me, even without drinking. But if the music is trash then I just count the minutes until I can go home.

  2. I mean parties are different to clubs, clubs are more one note – it’s loud music, dancing, where as parties are more varied. If you want to talk to people, go to parties.

    As for the alcohol part, alcohol helps people loosen up in social situations. For dancing in a club too, it kinda lets you loose your inhibitions about something you might not do all the time. For me I need to be somewhat tipsy to enjoy clubbing, but if I’d probably need less to enjoy a house party.

    Clubbing also depends on whether you like the music being played – if you don’t like lots of club music, then you won’t enjoy it as much.

    In terms of mistakes, I think the main one is to just avoid drinking too much, at a party especially it’s easy to forget how much you’ve drunk, and it’s never fun to throw up in the morning and be terribly hungover.

    But yeah, stay relaxed and loose, and you will probably enjoy yourself.

  3. I simply don’t. I tried to force myself to enjoy it to be a part of something. But no, I hate it.

    I tried going sober once. Even worse.

    Try it out a few times, if it’s not for you, then there is no need to force yourself.

  4. Clubs and parties can be fun, just relax and enjoy yourself. Drinking can be fun, just don’t drink to excess, it’s more fun if you don’t get so drunk you can barely walk or talk. And drinking until you vomit just makes you look bad and isn’t a good time.

  5. Depends what you’re going for, are you interested in the music? Hooking up? Meeting people? If you don’t have any particular reason for going you might find you don’t enjoy it, and thats okay.

    If you enjoy the music and people you go with you’ll probably find yourself drinking less, so no, its not really necessary.

    If you want to really enjoy it find a genre of music you like and go to events that are playing that specific music – depending on your city or country one might be really popular and have larger events that are easier to find. If you have a more niche/underground taste you might have to ask around, or scout for stickers/qr codes in your city that will be advertising more lowkey events you can search.

    pros – its fun if you like it, you meet more people and meeting people gives you more opportunities. as someone that has a lot of social anxiety in normal situations, its a low effort way to just mingle with people and practice social skills without judgement, as everyones likely drunk and doesn’t care.

    cons – obviously staying out late, drinking, being hungover ect.

    Mistakes/ Advice – Know your limits. If your just there to hook up I’d still suggest finding a club with music you like as theres a common interest between everyone. Dont be so hard on yourself if you wakeup with hangxiety, and its okay if its not for you.

  6. I had to learn how to enjoy clubs and bars. I barely drank through college and was working through alot of self-esteem issues. I didn’t like the loud music, I liked hanging out with friends and having a good game night. Screaming over loud music seemed annoying to me. After college I realized my social and romantic lives were basically non-existant and I didnt have the experiences that I wished I had because I thought it would magically happen. I realized that I wanted the bar/club experience but I let my self-esteem issues get to me. I wasnt a good dancer and I let that get to me, my friends were hooking up with people and I wasnt doing well in that department so I got self-conscience about it.

    I moved last year and made new friends that like having me around we go out every weekend. I wouldnt say I love it but I have learned to enjoy it and I don’t regret it one bit. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I do find myself enjoyuing it.

    I wouldn’t say drinking is necessary but it does help. I’ve learned to have fun without alcohol but I have started drinking a bit as a way to try it out more. What i’ve noticed is drinking does help loosen you up and can help you be more forward. You don’t need to drink alot, I tend to have 2-3 drinks when I go out and I find it to be good enough. Sometimes I have an 1 or 2 more but that’s usually where I draw the line. I think at most I’ve had is like 6 drinks in a night. Also everyone at the bar is drinking so if you want to talk to a girl, it’s easier if you have a drink in hand. Times I’ve walked up to girls sober, theyll ask “where is your drink”. I can give an excuse like “im DD tonight” or “im just taking a break for now”. Some girls will give you cuddos for being responsible but most girls may not pay you much attention because think about, the though process at a bar/club is not about being responsible it’s about going crazy with your friends for a night. You don’t have to chug beers/cocktails every 5 minutes. I’ve had the same drink in hand for like 30 minutes and people are so in their own business that people think Im on my 3rd when really im still on my first. I’ve never had a huge hangover, at most I’ll feel a little off in the morning but it passes quickly.

    I’ve known people who have had the greatest times sober at bars and can deal with it. Some people will tell you “you dont need alcohol to have fun” and technically it is true but the people I know who can do that are rare breeds usually. They are already super social butterflies. Im not saying you will be miserable if you dont drink, I’ve had good times at bars even if i dont drink, it will just require more effort if you arent a huge social person.


    Is there a reason you dont drink? (im not judging as Im not a huge drinker). For me I didnt like the taste and the idea of alcohol being the only way to have fun. I also grew up with health related issues and was recommended to have minimum alcohol so I just avoided it most of my life. I decided that I shouldnt be so closed minded and I asked my doctor the consequences if I did drink with my minor health issue. SHe bascially told me that my issues are mostly healthy and having limited drinks would do me no harm, she basically told me if I keep it to just a few days a week and limit myself that Ill be perfectly fine. So I started to drink to see if I’d like it. Right now, I dont love it but I enjoy drinking. I usually just have alcohol if its the weekend and im having a good time with friends. I’ll make an exception on rare weekdays if we are at a bar, but most of the time I don’t drink on weekdays and if I do I keep it to no more than 2.

  7. I tried to like it but I just don’t. Maybe if some clubs played the music I like but no chance of that

  8. Learn to dance to your favourite type of music and just go on some events, I think that you’ll catch the vibe then

  9. Depends on the club, there’s generic nightclubs that make it so you spend as much money as possible, there’s trendy bars, raves /events etc especially if you live in a big city but. In my experience going to events with a group of 4-5 friends is the most fun, drink and/or smoke and just vibe to the music.

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