I’ve always been an awkward gut since I was little. The last two years I’ve changed alot and I don’t get much social anxiety anymore but my social skills are still very poor. I want to get better at socializing but have no idea how to approach people or hold conversations longer that a few minutes. How do I improve on this?

1 comment
  1. 1. Set the bar really low. I don’t recommend this to build close relationships, but you can literally go up to a girl and say complete gibberish and start a conversation from there, as long as your vibe is on point. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
    2. Be curious in other people or the outside world in general to get you out of your head. Ask questions about the other person that REALLY interests you.
    3. Your vibe should be fun and carefree. You could also get a little louder.
    4. Smile a bit more, as if you’re actually enjoying talking to that person.
    5. Destroy your ego. Do random shit that usually you don’t do like pushups in crowded places. Don’t act completely crazy like getting naked or shit like that though. Do that to prove to yourself that no one actually cares what you do and your fear of judgement is all in your head. I did it too once and if anything I had people going up to me and congratulating me lol

    If you think about it, some extroverts already act like this. You just have to copy the vibe of extroverts, not what they’re saying

    But probably the best advice out of all these is BE YOUR TRUE SELF

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