So the deal is that my coworker of 1.5 half years stopped talking to me after I told him that im in a new relationship.

He doesn’t even say hi to me anymore at work, as if I owe him to be with him.
I honestly didnt expect this from him, as he seemed a normal and kind guy.
The things is that a year ago he asked me if I would go on a date with him, at that time I was with my ex, and I rejected him.
He acted normally from that day on, we would go to lunch breaks together quite often, we would chat often. Things were ok. I thought that he just wanted to be friends, as he knew he didnt have a chance.

I left my ex some months ago, and he heard about that(not from me, but from other coworkers), but was still normal as ever and we kept going on lunch breaks and kept talking.
Then 2 weeks ago I told him that I have a new boyfriend. He seemed shocked a bit, and told me he shouldve asked me again some time ago again..I told him that I thought he was my friend..never knew that all he was doing was waiting for me to be single and pretended all of this time that he liked my company.

Now when we see each other he doesnt say even hi, let alone talk with me or anything more.
Im also not talking to him if that is his decision. It just bothers me when guys pretend that they are your friend and like your company. The moment when you dont return any interest you mean nothing to them.

tl;dr: Coworker stopped talking to me after I told him I have a new boyfriend. Are all guys so entitled and pretend they are your friend?

  1. Welp that sucks.
    You said it yourself that it’s clear he was just waiting for his own chance so I’d say he was never really a friend.

    But in short, no not all guys are gonna be like this. The problem is that there are ALOT of guys who are. Really, both men and women do this but it’s not fair to generalize, it’s better to individualize on a case by case basis.

    I grew up with two sisters and more often than not, they had guy friends who suddenly vanished when they got into relationships, but not all of them did. One of my sisters started telling guy friends “I just started talking to someone and I really like him” even when there was no one, she just wanted to weed out intentions.
    She said it usually worked to either get the dude to leave them alone or confess sudden feelings to try and persuade her otherwise.

    Some dudes just went “cool, hope it works out” lol. The point I guess is to say that you shouldn’t be too quick to judge but find a balance between caution and openness I suppose

  2. The ol’ friend long game. Bonus points for being a

    He’s probably too ashamed to look at you. Truth is out

  3. There are no guy friends. Just guys waiting their turn. He’s didn’t get a turn and he’s pissed.

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