I (18M) work with a lady (47F) who I’ve come to really enjoy working with. At our job (KFC) we make a lot of dirty jokes and stuff, like you’d expect. However, tonight was different, and she seemed to really be pushing me into a ‘sexy’ mindset, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I am not attracted to older women. She seemed dedicated to getting into it with me, but I made sure not to let it happen. I got through the night without any real worries, but I still feel strange afterwards. We have already exchanged numbers before, but only because we are friends; I’m not sure how this will play out.
For anyone wondering, no I am not a virgin, and I don’t really want to have sex again until I’m married and the wife wants kids. I am also single, and she has a ‘bothersome’ boyfriend.

I don’t want to make things awkward between us, because again I really enjoy working with her.

  1. Take her aside, and try explaining to her what you have explained to us, as kindly as possible, but directly and clearly. She may get frosty or even nasty with you, but that can’t be helped.

    You definitely want to stay clear of the boyfriend, too. She is playing with fire, and you don’t want to get burned.

  2. pretend you are oblivious to her flirting. that’s what I do if someone comes on to me and I don’t want to go there, I just act like it didn’t happen

  3. What in the actual F? I’m a woman in my early 40s and this is just sickening. No offense to you OP but people your age look like babies to me.

    Tell her that you only date girls your own age. If she still doesn’t take the hint- Tell her you don’t date old ladies. This woman is seriously sick in the head and needs a huge reality check.

  4. don’t hook up with a pedo for one, like I’m 27 and I would fuck a woman in her 40s but someone that age being interested in an 18 year old is creepy. you’re a child

  5. Say that you really value her as a friend and you you don’t want anything more. Say this when it’s sober time and just you – it’s really important you learn to communicate this as soon as possible.

  6. LMAO same thing happened to me at work when I was 19 and working at KFC. It really does change the vibe of everything

  7. Look at the people giving logic answers imagine if it was a guy doing that to a 18 years old female just imagine the answers

  8. She’s a diaper sniper. I’m in my 40’s and the idea of dating a man 5 yrs younger than me makes me puke.

  9. Just continue the light atmosphere and say if she were younger, she’d totally be your type. And then start talking about girls your age who you do like.

  10. Say you don’t want to ruin the friendship. Or, hate to lie, tell her you met someone last weekend…

  11. She’s got a boyfriend. You owe it to the brocade.

    Plough it if she dumps her boyfriend though. You owe to the brocade.

  12. These older women have guts. Have been in such situation severally but managed to escape them wamamaz. Just avoid them.

  13. She’s mentally disturbed to be having sexual banter with an 18 year old at 47.

  14. Idk the guy I like pretended I never admitted to liking him. That’s usually the strategy people take they do nothing if they don’t like the other person. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  15. If the genders were reversed, the comments on this thread would be wildly different.

    This woman is a borderline pedo. You should tell her quite plainly to cut the shit and consider a trip to HR if it doesn’t stop.

  16. You should have sex with her, but make it clear that she’s being used for reps. You lift weights at the gym? The more you lift, the stronger you will become. Make sure she’s STD free and blow your load with a condom. Getting girls gets harder as you get older. She prolly doesn’t have any men interested in her. Make her cum man; don’t be a selfish narcissistic Prude

  17. Okay, that’s gross of her. You only just became an adult, and she is so much older. Yikes.

    Maybe you can randomly bring up that you’re only dating people around your age. Maybe just describe the woman you’re looking for and explicitly mention, “Around my age.”

    If that doesn’t work, be more direct. Tell her that the flirting makes you uncomfortable. She’ll probably gaslight you, “Oh, I wasn’t flirting.” But don’t argue with that. You know she was and that’s all that matters.

  18. Probably shouldn’t have been doing the dirty jokes and flirting. I mean I get it but keep it in mind in the future. That’s how you give off the wrong signals and now you’re gonna have to have that awkward conversation to shut her down lol

  19. This is sexual harassment. Someone who really is your friend and has good intentions wouldn’t do this. She’s essentially grooming you. Report to line manager or HR.

  20. >We have already exchanged numbers before, but only because we are friends

    You sure about that?

    There’s never any guarantee that the reason you’re doing something is the same as the reason someone else is.

  21. Been in a similar situation. Have to find some way of establishing “hey we’re joking around at work” while still maintaining your professionalism. Like, you’re letting off steam and making friends with her, but the job is still your priority. I’ve found that people give up pretty quickly when you consistently put the job before the friendship. Sounds shitty, but you’re work friends, she can’t give you too much shit for just focusing on the work. Maybe that’s just my experience though.

  22. UPDATE: I have talked to her and we’ve cleared things up. She said that she was joking around and that she had no intent on making me uncomfortable. She said that sometimes she can say things she doesn’t mean, and that last night she took it too far. Thank you all for being here for me, if you weren’t here I wouldn’t have been able to fix this. Love you all, have a great rest of your day!

  23. Just tell her the truth FFS, you’re not interested, that’s it, also, you did this to yourself for playing flirty with her, what did you expect?

    Ignore the people telling you she’s a pedo and whatnot, they’re just projecting their BS that will not help you at all.

    Seriously wtf is wrong with redditors, are you 18 as well? SMDH 🤦🏼‍♂️

  24. Pal, tell her it’s against company policy. – it’s not you/her it’s the rules. And pray it never happens again. Speak to a councilor at work (if that’s a thing, where you work) about it so you have someone to go to if it happens again.

    Look dude, I’d also consider stopping the dirty jokes at work and keeping ’em to your circle, you know?! Might help you avoid this kind of thing. Doesn’t make any of what she’s doing right, but it might help you avoid the creeping one’s, who may take things the wrong way. A way that makes them feel almost entitled to that creepin’ess.

    Good luck homie!

  25. Don’t overthink about age difference. It doesn’t really matter.

    If you find her attractive, and you both want it, and the only thing coming in way is age then ignore the age and just bless each other with some sex.

  26. Sounds like the movie “obsessed” lol.
    Establish your boundaries. If that doesn’t work, HR.

  27. Honesty is the best policy but if being totally honest will hurt her feelings then just be partially honest, i mean try not to hurt her too much. The fact that she is 47 and still couldn’t settle down with boyfriend and marriage and kids, there’s a chance that she is gonna spend the last of her days alone in an old home so be gentle with her please…

    Next time if there’s a topic like that, you could just take the chance and say, you respect her as a co-worker and you like to date girls of your own age or you have a girl friend, whatever makes her back away with her sexual mentality but still keeps her humor intact towards you…

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