I have been together with my GF for around 4 months now, we have had sex quiet early on in our relationship around date 5. (while i was still a virgin and she wasnt) I dindt come the first few times and felt really pressured to do so and she kept asking me if she does something wrong or if i dont like her, pressuring me more and more to try to cum.

I found a way which requires me to kinda drift away into my own head and think about kinks that i have and make myself a story in my head. With that it did work a few times. 2 Months ago i had a circumcision which is now almost fully healed and i am scared to have sex with her again. I just dont think i can cum from pure body pleasure alone. I dont think its a problem on her end either. I just dont think i can enjoy the sex like that at all, when all i do is try to drift away from what i am doing right then and there and try to cum just for her to feel ok.

Is that normal? I am someone with a really high sex drive, i usually masturbate at least once every day, sometimes also more than that. Could that be a problem? I do watch porn, but i am also totally able to cum without, so i dont think its a porn problem.

I would love to be able to just enjoy the time with her. We also talked about having kids at some point and that is stressing me even more, because for that it has to work but i dont wanna feel miserable everytime we do it.

Has anyone experienced something like that before? Anyone has tips?

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