I normally tidy up, put things into or next to the bin, pile up the towels. Is there anything else we can do to make it easier for you? Also- are there things guests do to help that are actually pointless?

  1. Bring a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor.

    Don’t use the towels.

    Don’t use the Bin.

    But seriously, just know the routine.

    Bed sheets are always changed.

    Towels are changed if used.

    Bins are changed.

    Things are wiped down if needed.

    Carpet is vacuumed if needed.

  2. My wife always strips the sheets off the bed because it’s the one thing her mum told her was a big help when she was a cleaner in a hotel for a while.

  3. I don’t expect my sheets and towels changed every day, and I generally try and just keep my room tidy throughout the stay ie bagging up my rubbish for the clean up on checkout.

  4. I often tell the cleaners to skip a day. I don’t need new sheets and towels every 24 hours.

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