I’m just curious because my family seems to not get grey hair. All my peers dye their hair or have lots of white hair already.

  1. I’m 36 now and I’ve just plucked a massive one front and centre.

    I think there are a few in my beard – but they might just be more ginger to be fair.

    So, now I guess 🤣

  2. Had a single gray hair early in my 20s, might have even been there in my late teens.

    Now mid-20s, a few more have appeared.

  3. 16. I’m in my mid 30’s now and am like 90% grey/10% white hair. The beard is still brown though. So that’s nice.

  4. A few started showing up around 21ish, more than a few by 30, and after 34 they really started to take off.

  5. Around 32, I’d say. I’m 38 and it’s well established in my beard. Because I’m blond, it’s barely noticeable on my head but it’s started.

  6. Bruh I was born with a small patch behind one of my ears, now at 23 i have a few visable ones running long the side of my head.

  7. I’ll be 37 in October and I’ve started to notice about 2months ago. It’s not really visible, but I can see a couple when I’m looking at myself in the bathroom mirror

  8. I had a white patch forever. Around 28 it went away then appeared over my entire head. And beard a couple years later at 30

  9. 37 here, and I have found 2 strands of gray hair by my temple.

    I gotta say, I’m pissed about them.

  10. Mid 20s for the first one, 33 now and maybe like 1% of my hair is grey, but it’s coming in in a sexy way (so says my wife)

  11. Early 30s…my beard went hard-core mostly salt with sparce pepper in my early 40s

  12. I think I was 24. Funnily enough, they grey hair disappeared again and at 33, my hair is black and no gray hair is immediately noticeable. Don’t know how that is possible.

  13. Started being noticeable in my beard mid-thirties and at 40 its getting towards salt and pepper but still a good deal more pepper than salt. Less gray showing on my head, but getting to be less hair there in general.

  14. 43M – I just saw a couple of strands. I think it looks fine – but a lot of men I know are freaking out around my age (early 40’s).

  15. I’m 31 and don’t really have any on my head, but my beard gets some wiry grey hairs if I don’t trim it regularly

  16. 3. Then they went away for decades, reappeared as a lock of white hair in highschool. That went away and now my beard is turning white as a 40 year old.

  17. I had a weird white spot of hair in one of my sideburns since high school. Mid twenties it just creeped down and have overtaken my beard almost completely now.

  18. Probably since I was 23-24. Just a few silver hairs in my front flip. My lady loves it though

  19. Gray hairs – late teens, the bald spot started around age 28 – got worse after having kids.

  20. Just a few months ago! (I’m 29)

    Right now it’s just a couple hairs on either side of my head, behind my temples. My dad was fully grey by the time I was born so I expect I also will be by my late 30s.

  21. 32. I like it. Feel like I’m finally aging into my personality. Also think it looks cool as fuck.

  22. I’m 33 and I’ve started noticing a few white hairs in my beard. RIP to the guys in their teens and twenties in this thread.

  23. Mid teens? Whenever I started getting facial hair. Had a little patch of white, maybe 1/4″.

    My mother died in her 80s. Her hair was still mostly dark red.

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