Ours wasn’t a serious argument, but it was about whether or not I ever wear shorts. Which I obviously do.

  1. If the piece of olive she had picked off a pizza and essentially fed to was a mushroom or part of an olive (she hates mushrooms but loves olives).

    It wasn’t a big argument, but it was a very very silly argument.

  2. I didn’t remind her that x event started at x time

    For context I’d been ready for ages, woke her up, made her coffee etc. We weren’t even running late, just not early

    So I got a load of shit because I didn’t actively remind her of the time

    Was the latest in a long list of similar fights. Should have got out of it earlier, glad I am now though

  3. I had an argument with my now ex on honeymoon.

    It was November, and we were planning to host her family for Christmas. I’m a good cook and really enjoy it. I’d planned a non-traditional meal. IIRC it was guinea fowl or something. The sides were planned to go with this meal and were supposed to be non-traditional, Dauphinoise potatoes, redcurrant jus, that sort of stuff.

    She wanted to serve sprouts.

    I said that sprouts didn’t really go with the meal and that I don’t like sprouts anyway (and neither did she).

    She said that her parents would be *expecting* sprouts.

    I said that they’d be *expecting* turkey, roast potatoes and Christmas pudding but they weren’t getting that either.

    She went mental. I said it was ridiculous to hang her parents whole enjoyment of a meal on the presence of a single vegetable, and that I was not serving sprouts. It continued and I stormed off.

    That’s probably the worst argument we ever had. Worse even than the brief affair with her mum’s boyfriend that eventually split us up.

    Or the time shortly afterwards when she had my cat put down without telling me, despite having my phone number, email address, social media details and driving past my house twice to get my cat home for her last night then back again in the morning to be put down.

  4. Few weeks ago I was trying to tidy up the conservatory as I’ve made it into my man’s pad for my gaming but it’s our favourite room in the house. We hadn’t really been using it so we’d piled stuff in there and dumped things in it over the last few months.

    Deciding I wanted to start using it again, I decided to start clearing it out. And granted, the majority of stuff was mine and accepted full responsibility, but there were a few things of my girlfriend’s and our baby’s that I asked her to tidy away into somewhere neater.

    She was fine about it, then out of the blue just jokingly but seriously said to our baby “right let’s get all our stuff out of here, daddy doesn’t want us in here anymore” He’s only five months old so didn’t understand, but she just completely overreacted and we ended up arguing about who said what etc..

    She claimed she wasn’t going to sit in there anymore as I didn’t want her in there and had kicked her out.

    Was just a stupid and pointless argument. I asked her to tidy her and our baby’s things into somewhere a bit neater and tidier. I took full responsibility for my things and had thrown some things out, tidied others up. I hadn’t for one minute said “get all of your stuff out, I don’t want you here anymore.”

  5. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom then left as he came in to do the same. We passed each other in the doorway. He insisted I should have closed the door behind me and I didn’t think it was a big deal and he could have closed it if he wanted it closing.

  6. My partner’s from Sweden. If you say “half one”, to him that means 12:30, as he interprets it to mean half an hour *until* 1pm. But to me, it means 1:30. We’ve had a few lively debates over that one, haha.

    I now just say “one thirty” to minimise confusion.

  7. My ex would pick fights over nothing.

    She would start a conversation by saying things like “You’re not even listening, are you?”

    That’s normally a joke, but she would literally walk in from another room in the house, where she’d supposedly been trying to speak to me for some time, and berate me for my inability to hear her through the wall.

    Then refuse to tell me any of the things I hadn’t heard, because “I’m not repeating myself” and “You should have been listening”.

  8. I once went LIVID because my husband didn’t slice up a courgette before freezing it but froze the whole thing.

    We’re still together and have grown up since

  9. My missus “where’s my car keys”
    Me “have you checked the last place you put them?”

    Then all hell breaks loose…

  10. The size of a greenhouse, specifically whether he was being a fucking idiot when after asking me what size I wanted and me saying 10×6, he said they didn’t do 10×6, made me ask what sizes they did do and then reeled off a list that included 6×10. Apparently it matters because you say the measurement the door is on first. 🙄🤷‍♀️

  11. Early on in our relationship we were visiting London, we were talking and I raised my voice because a loud lorry was moving past and he hadn’t heard me the first time due to background noise. We then had an argument about whether I’d raised my voice to him like a child because I was angry he didn’t hear me, or whether it was a normal response to loud traffic.

    In fairness, his mother and ex are/were chronic non-apologising blame deflectors, so I understand why that was his response to a woman increasing her volume level (and I am 4 years older), but that was an extremely stupid and petty argument.

  12. My ex had BPD so arguments about the strangest topics or something I said 5 years ago were a common occurrence

  13. We constantly argue about the nursery rhyme “there was an old woman that swallowed a fly”.

    I am 100% certain one of the lines is “she opened her throat to swallow a goat” and he refuses to believe me. Saying why would she swallow a goat to which I remind him it’s a nonsense rhyme. Days it can go on for.

  14. We had an argument about captain Tom’s knighthood.

    I was trying to explain that his daughter was involved with professional fraudsters. And they put this old man up to this ridiculous charade to scam money from people. He shouldn’t have received a knighthood for being the front of a scam.

    My (at the time) missus said I shouldn’t be skeptical and suspicious of everything and the ‘sweet old man deserves the knighthood’

    What? For walking around his garden while his known fraudster family are in charge of the money? He didn’t even do anything venerable, the people who donated the money did all the work.

    I suppose worse people have had knighthoods in the past.

    For anybody who doesn’t know, in the early 2000s Toms daughter and accomplices tried to cheat and win a million quid from who wants to be a millionaire by coughing the right answers. And that’s not the only thing they’ve done

  15. My partner got agnry with me because of how Season 1 game of thrones ended (her favourite character died). Apparently I should have known this would be upsetting for her. I didn’t write the bloody thing!

  16. My husband said I never look out of the window when he’s driving, like of course I look out the window do you think I stare at the air vents? And he’s like “yeah but when I’m in the passenger seat I look out the window and point things out to you!” Well sure if I see anything good I point it out to you too.

    Weird thing is that that’s not even the first time we’ve had that argument.

    Another argument we had was that he hasn’t got any friends and I need to find some friends for him. At the time I was stay-at-home-mum, so my friends are like, all mums but I’ve introduced him to four of their husbands, he doesn’t like dads though he wants men who can go to the pub. I asked if he wants me to get a tinder profile to meet some nice men for him and that put an end to it. Bloody fool.

  17. My partner and I rarely argue but one time we argued for a straight 40 minutes over the default pronunciation of Beethoven. The argument was so heated that we had to stop the scrabble game we’d been playing, and now we avoid the subject completely because it was never resolved hahaha

  18. Yesterday we argued about when I had dinner because he believed my dinner couldn’t be considered dinner because I ate at 6 according to him. I think I ate at 8 and that it can be considered dinner regardless

  19. Her: I’m off to work my nightshift

    Me: But…your job doesn’t do nightshifts. It’s only open during office hours.

    Her: Bye!

    Me: …and why does she need to wear a dress? And heels? And why does she need a change of clothes?

    Yeah. She was fucking around. And apparently I was in the wrong for suspecting it, NAD for getting upset about it.

  20. I had just passed my driving theory test. He passed his 16 years previously.

    We had an argument about what constituted a dual carriageway. He insisted it was any road with multiple lanes in your direction. He was wrong. I had literally answered that question in my test the day before, but he didn’t believe me. He had to calm down and look it up on his own time before he admitted I was right.

    We have similar arguments about stupid driving shit all the time, that he does wrong and has convinced himself his instructor told him was the truth.IE – in queues always be as close to the car in front as possible to make efficient use of the road (wrong). Or that when moving left on a multilane carriageway you don’t need to indicate (wrong).

    It’s exhausting. I’ll probably be the same in 16 years but for now, fresh from actually being taught all this shit, I am 100% confident I am right and I’ve no idea where these stupid ideas he has came from.

    If i’m too close to a car that’s passing me I get a sharp inhale or a “that was close”. If I move left to make more room for an oncoming van and get scraped by a branch I get a “you had loads of room why did you move left”.

    Honestly driving and drivers are the worst of humanity in aggregate. Everything would be better if all cars were outlawed.

  21. A recent one was when we were on holiday with my in-laws. I don’t know what came over him but my partner became this monumental arsehole who couldn’t be reasoned with at times.

    So the main point of contention was whenever we went out somewhere, he’d walk off ahead with no regard for the rest of the group, he rarely turned around to see where we were, he would have no idea if someone had stopped to have a drink of water, tie their shoe laces etc. Just charged on ahead and would become visibly irritated if for some reason we called out to him to wait a second. His parents are in their 60’s, not super old but they can’t move as fast as they used to and were at times struggling to keep up with him. It was really hot and some of the places we went were very busy. I can keep up with him in normal circumstances but I didn’t want his parents to think we were both just doing our own thing and not considering them or anyone else we were with so I was kind of in the middle, making sure no one got lost in an unfamiliar area amongst the crowds of people sort of thing whilst he stomped off ahead pleasing himself. It got a bit exhausting.

    Every time I’d get fed up, mention it and ask him to slow down a bit a minor argument would ensue and he’d be all like “tHiS iS mY nOrMaL wAlKiNg SpEeD” as if he was physically incapable of walking any slower. He naturally does walk quite fast so I’ll give him that but that doesn’t mean he can’t adjust his walking speed, for some reason he just refused to and got really arsey over it and made everyone else feel like a burden for not keeping up. It got really annoying because we’re supposed to be on holiday together yet it felt like he was always rushing off ahead to get to wherever we were going and the rest of us were just tagging along on HIS holiday. In the end I just took the attitude of “I’m not rushing to keep up with him, he can wait for us to get there” it was too damn hot for that. We weren’t even walking especially slow either, he for some reason was insistent on rushing here there and everywhere.

    It was a stupid to argue about his walking speed but the only reason it was even an issue was because he refused to understand how it made everyone else feel. I’m still a bit annoyed about it now we’re home as it meant I didn’t enjoy the holiday as much as I could have. His parents weren’t thrilled by his behaviour either. Still don’t know what came over him.

  22. The correct time to plant potatoes on my allotment. This was broadcast to everyone in a games lobby, as i forgot to mute my mic. When i returned to the game, i had gardening advice messages from randoms

  23. I had a row with my missus many years ago, not long after I’d passed my test, over some point of driving. I can’t even recall what it was now. She was aggressively adamant that I was wrong and wouldn’t let it go. This was at 6:30 on a Saturday evening and I could see this going on for the rest of the weekend.
    So I walked out of the house – I was living with my parents at the time – got the train into London Victoria, bought the Department of Transport Driving Manual from WH Smiths, got on the same train back out of the station and home. A round trip of 2 hours.

    Having studied the manual on the train I was able to pinpoint the exact situation and page in it. So when I got in I waved it in front of her face pointing to the section of text. “There you go! What have you got to say about that??”
    She read it and laughed “Oh, you’re right then.” That was it. She’d have kept that argument going for days if I hadn’t proven to her she was wrong, and I didn’t even get an apology.

  24. She is adamant that her phone charges more slowly in the morning because so many people are boiling kettles for breakfast cuppas

    I should just let this lie. I’ve never won an argument with my wife, but I have a degree in electronics and I’m autistic with that “dog with a bone” attitude when someone has got something patently wrong

    Neither of us back down from our positions. We eventually just go off the boil (pun intended) but the issue remains until the next time she’s dissatisfied with the charging rate

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