We haven’t been to too many birthday parties for American friends. We were invited to our neighbors party and I was wondering how much her birthday gift should cost. They are really nice and we would like to keep in touch with them and we meet together with the kids on a weekly basis, but we haven’t known them for too long, and I wouldn’t say that they are our closest friends.

Thank you!

  1. If you are not already close friends, usually your presence is all that they would ask for. It’s considered bad taste to expect extravagant gifts from people you hardly know. If I was invited to my neighbor’s party and I insisted on bringing a gift, I might opt for a bottle of wine.

  2. It should cost $0 because I’ve never given any of my friends a gift for their birthday

    if you want to get something definitely in the $20 range if not less. If you really want do something small or cute like a bottle of wine. I would gift it as a “house warming” gift or something

  3. Depends on your relationship with them and if you guys really gift each other. My siblings and I don’t tend to give each other gifts on their birthdays and we’re related lol. I would say something small and nice like food. I think if I was in your shoes I would make something nice and then bring it over in some tupperware that I don’t need back.

  4. There isn’t a strict rule for how much to spend on gifts in the US. If you don’t know their hobbies and interests to base a gift off of, then something small, consumable, and a little indulgent can be nice. Something they can pamper themselves with. Like a little gift basket with a bath bomb and some chocolates or something like that. Or a bottle of wine that you enjoy with a pretty bow on it. If you’re proud of your baking skills you could also gift them something homemade. I’ve gifted pies and cookies to friends before.

  5. I would probably bring a bottle of wine or six pack of beer.

    Edit: or a bag of local coffee if you’re not of alcohol buying age

  6. it depends on your relationship with them. if they just casually mentioned that it’s their birthday and come over, you don’t really have to bring them anything. What kinds of things do they like?

  7. I don’t know if I have ever considered the cost of any present I’ve gotten from or given to adult friends.I give a gift based on their interests and my personal budget. My longest friend (30 years) once gave me a lighter he picked up at a gas station because saw it and knew I’d love it. I have given him a watch because it fit his collection and he wouldn’t buy it for himself. The cost never mattered, the thought did.

  8. If they are pretty good friends and there’s something I know they want or need, I might spend up to $100, but that’s not like a guarantee. If they like a particular brand of $10 candles, I’ll get them one or two of those. It’s more about the thought than the dollar amount (cliched, I know.)

    If they aren’t close friends, or there isn’t something specific I want to get them, I would just go to the party with a $20-25 bottle of wine or even just a 6 pack of good beer.

    I am also a big proponent of sending or bringing people flowers on their birthday, which can vary enormously in price so I tend to decide on the fly how much I want to spend.

  9. Adults don’t need birthday presents. Bring something to enjoy at the party, like wine, liquor or dessert.

  10. $20 gift card to their favorite store/coffee shop and a handwritten card is very appreciated. Simple, not too expensive, and meaningful. I would probably do more for close friends I know and value more, but for neighbors and coworkers I want to be friendly with, that’s an easy win

  11. You could bring a card and some flowers, but a gift isn’t necessary. I only exchange gifts with my very best friends.

  12. My close friends and I might get each other a cheap gag gift if we come across something funny, but usually I don’t give or expect to receive anything for birthdays, from friends or family. I personally stopped even celebrating my birthday when I was like 12.

  13. A bottle of wine if they drink or a basic GC to something local between $20-40 .

    It’s hard to give you an idea of how much to spend without exact demographics of you, your friends, income and where y’all live.

    Not sure if that makes sense. If it’s your first time…sometimes just showing up is good enough but I never like to show up empty-handed. Maybe something unique from UK?

  14. If it’s a birthday party for people you don’t know all that well a bottle of wine as a gift is totally fine. I almost guarantee they are not expecting a gift at all. Anytime I’ve invited people for my birthday I never expect to get anything, it’s all about just hanging out together.

  15. Adults don’t do presents. Just bring a bottle of wine or beer – whatever fits the mood.

  16. It’s OK to not bring anything.

    If you want to bring something, wine or some other $20 consumable (even something you make/bake yourself) would probably be appreciated. A birthday card might be appreciated also or instead of a gift. It’s also acceptable to call the organizer and ask what you should bring.

  17. I do somewhere between $25-$35 unless there’s something specific I want to get them I know they could really use then I’ll go $40ish. I would go with a wine, bag of coffee or box of chocolates that’s a locally made or not widely available outside of where you are from.

  18. I think the wine/coffee is a great answer. I try to make sure to offer to clean up if we are having dinner at their home.

    I also will say as overrated as it is, bringing flowers in a vase that can be used as a birthday centerpiece for the table is really nice! Someone did this for me once and was sure to put them in a vase so we could enjoy them at dinner. We were out to eat so it dressed up the table and made it feel like my special birthday table. The vase is key because it shows you thought ahead and takes the person by surprise a bit (usually get flowers in the wrapping from the grocery store. I noticed the details and thought it was super nice)

  19. I don’t really give or receive birthday presents among my adult friends.

    Anything from $20 to $50 is probably a good range for someone you don’t know very well. A nice birthday card is also enough though.

  20. Depends. I got friend a $200 scope and was planning on getting him.an AK closer to $900.

    And some others I dunno what they want, so I don’t really get them anything

  21. I wouldn’t usually buy a gift for an adult other than a bottle of wine or some other consumable if they don’t drink.

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