It seems Reddit is obsessed with mature topics. I think it’s time to appreciate the more wholesome parts of marriage too 😃

  1. Maybe tweeze his ear hairs? But we talk about anything and everything, and that can get pretty intimate.

  2. I hold his hand when I’m falling asleep at night, it’s one of my favorite moments.

  3. I can’t think of just one so

    Funny thing:
    I pee with the door open most of the time lol. It’s a habit from when I lived alone, and closed doors made me anxious. I don’t poop with the door open, though. That’s too much even for me

    Serious thing:
    He has control over most of what I eat. That’s not something I would let just anyone do

  4. I cut his hair. It’s surprisingly intimate, and he trusts me implicitly to make him look the way he wants to look. That’s pretty big for us. Note: I DO NOT cut hair for a living, thank gosh he has curly hair and after 17 years of cutting his only 3 times a year I’m finally learning his hair lines. ha. Hair styling is hard ya’ll. Mad respect.

  5. What my wife calls “bunz snuggles”.

    She puts her butt right up against me and I shit you not, she can be asleep in less than a minute.

  6. There’s not many things we do together that DON’T feel more intimate than sex to me.

  7. I give my wife foot massages and pedicures. She is now in her 70’s and her feet frequently hurt. The foot massages help.

  8. Jokingly walk around like we are stuck together (me behind her hugging her waist). It’s very funny and intimate at the same time.

  9. not sure if this would be sexual or not because to us it’s not, just something we do.

    hugging in the shower. warm water hitting us, wrapped in each others arms, we can stand there forever. never leads to more nor is that ever the objective, think it just makes us feel connected more.

  10. We’re deep in the trenches of raising toddlers. Sometimes, when we’re both exhausted and overwhelmed we just stand in the kitchen, hugging. It’s incredibly comforting just to lean on each other when parenting feels impossible

  11. I occasionally give my husband a full pedicure with a massage. I’ll usually serve him some tea & a snack while I’m doing it. He’s an acts of service guy so this always makes him feel really cared for and loved. I’ll also wash his hair from time to time and I’ll cut his nails cuz he’s nervous with nail clippers.

  12. We play video games together. He always lets me marry him even if there are other dating options in the game. Even though it’s pretend I really like that we make that part of the game instead of playing the game the way we would if we played single player

  13. I have a personality disorder that causes me to experience something called “age regression”, where I essentially get trapped in an often non-verbal & child like state. He protects me and keeps me safe during these small episodes, and it’s been pretty healing for the aspect of myself that was traumatized enough AS an actual child to develop this personality issue. I regress less and less these days & my therapist agrees the safety I experience with him is probably part of why.

  14. Cuddling in bed, weekly date night, and a three hour Sunday drive just to talk. Married 51yrs.

  15. I make fresh coffee using a stovetop percolator and go back to bed. When it’s done she usually gets it and brings in the cups of coffee. Then she leans over from her side of the bed over to my side of the bed to put my cup on my bedside table. And in that moment she kind of squashes me and I get a sneaky kiss in.

  16. We kiss every morning right before breakfast. Not sexual but I don’t kiss anyone else in the world on the lips every morning.

  17. I’ll grab my wife during something important and force her to dance with me when a nostalgic song comes on. Kiss her neck, smell her hair, and she always laughs at my stupid jokes….

  18. We do lots of little things such as certain touches or acts of service throughout the day. He loves it when I stroke his beard and always brings me something to drink when he thinks i look thirsty. Little things like that. One of our favorite things to do is either go for a drive and chat or go somewhere to get food and sit in our car in the parking lot to eat so we can listen to our music while chatting and people watch as we eat. Sometimes we go get food with the intention of bringing it back to eat as we watch a movie but end up sitting in our driveway and eating while we discuss something that was brought up as we were driving back home.

  19. I helped my husband shower in the hospital as he cried out of fear prior to undergoing open heart surgery 4 years ago.

  20. We constantly make each other laugh. We have inside jokes. Our humor has developed into something uniquely ours and I love that.

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