Long story short, we were supposed to be travelling together for a holiday. However, she decided that she doesn’t want the relationship anymore and just call off everything, including a planned wedding.

Problem here is that I want to go for a solo trip instead but then we’ll be seeing each other on the plane since she’s going too.

Should I drop her a text that I will be going for the trip? Or should I not because I don’t really want to be talking to her, but to be wasting the plane ticket doesn’t seem that wise.

Edit; Thanks guys! I have decided to not text her (because I don’t wanna intrude her life as of now) and just go for the flight. Hopefully everything goes well. Just a friendly greeting and be on my way.

  1. Go for the solo trip. It’s something that you want to do, so why not?

    She’s called it off, she doesn’t have any input in what you do or don’t do anymore.

  2. Tell her nothing. Contact the airline and see if you can get an earlier or later flight. If not, go anyway and just ignore her.

  3. I wouldn’t tell her anything. I would go on the trip and ignore her if she goes too

  4. This happened to me before. But he had access to the tickets, the bookings, everything. And I didn’t. So I didn’t go anywhere because it was short notice. He went on the trip with a friend instead and just paid me back. Go on the trip! You’ll regret it if you don’t. I know I wish I had planned myself a vacation after that. Just tell her you’re going and tell her you don’t want to speak to her on the plane. It will be an uncomfortable plane ride but you’ll get through it.

  5. Send her a quick text saying “hey just a heads up, I will be on the flight to go on a solo trip. I’ve requested to sit separately so we don’t get in each other’s way”

    It’s much more stressful for her if you just turn up with no warning. It’s confusing and much worse than just sending a simple text. She needs to know beforehand that you’re going to be there. As a woman, if my ex suddenly appeared I would be kind of scared in case he was going to stalk me or make a scene in public

  6. Na go on the solo trip. But just understand that she won’t be on a solo trip. She’ll be sitting next to the guy she cheated on you with

  7. At check in, ask for your seat to be changed*, if you’re nice enough they will do it no problem, even if you share, you never know I’ve seen people getting bump up due to situations. Being nice to the people at the airport goes long way. Enjoy your solo vacation!! Safe travels!


  8. You owe her nothing as far as texting her.
    But be prepared to see her on that flight with another guy

  9. If you bought the tickets then cancel her ticket and go have some fun on your own
    Good luck brother

  10. Do your thing but cut all communication with her. It’s for your own good. You will come through this better than ever. Good luck bro!!

  11. Fuck, I’d take her ticket (unless she paid her own way etc) find someone else to come with, have a boys trip… or who knows spark a new connection. The worlds your oyster you dodged a bullet by the sounds of it.

    All the best

  12. Try to see if you can swap seats. Ignore her and go have fun.

    I’ll assume you have lodging. Go have fun.

  13. i’m sure if you can’t switch to an earlier/later flight, you can switch seats if it makes you uncomfortable. I would give a heads up you’re still going but it’s not obligated either. Either way, it’s a good idea to go and enjoy yourself! nothing wrong with that

  14. if you bought the ticket, see if you can either get your money back or book another solo trip and enjoy yourself. She ended the relationship, she can book her own solo trip herself.

  15. Lots of people fly solo. Find the worst nightmare of a passenger to sit next to and offer them $100 to switch seats. Problem solved bro. If you’re really smart you’ll kill two birds with one stone. For example someone who Would be the best person to sit next to either by splitting the cost of getting the other passenger to leave or by being super hot and not your ex. That’s solving problems; solving problems and possible new problems if you don’t play it right.

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