I’ve (27F) been seeing a guy (31M) from online dating for over a month, and things have been great.

I’m attracted to him physically and mentally, and we always have a great time together. We’ve hungout 8 times now, and we’re on the same page about wanting a relationship and have expressed liking each other, but are not exclusive or anything yet. I don’t think either of us are seeing others.

Our physical connection isn’t really progressing, the most we’ve done is cuddle and kiss, and that is making me start to be less attracted to him and see him more as a friend.

I am a very sexual person, and physical intimacy is equally important to me as emotional intimacy. However, I’m in a position where I can’t have sex right now. My last sexual encounter before I started seeing this guy was in a hot tub, and it led to a few weeks of me needing to be on antibiotics and other medicine because let’s just say my PH was very disturbed. This is the only reason I haven’t initiated anything sexual yet, but he also hasn’t tried. I don’t think he’s the first move kind of guy.

In the meantime, how do I initiate a conversation about his sexual preferences/ interests? Usually sex in new relationships happens naturally for me, so I feel a little out of my element here. Any advice is appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Sit him down and talk to him about everything you just posted here. Good communication will help you save a lot of time and effort in the long run.

    Sorry to hear about the hot tub, yea those are the worst places for sex.

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