I (37M, PhD researcher) was teaching a class, and presenting from my laptop. I alt-tabbed to demonstrate a technique in a software package, and accidentally switched to a browser window, which happened to have a candid photo from a year ago of my ex girlfriend (27F, former colleague) and myself in bed (not nude). She is known to some of the staff and students in my department, but moved to a different city a year ago. We haven’t talked in 6 months. There were about 20 students in the class. Should I tell her what happened?

Edit: Yes I know this was still stupid, but it was one of those ‘1 year ago’ reminders on google photos.

  1. > Should I tell her what happened?

    Yes. It’s better she hear this from you than someone else. She’ll be pissed, but likely will be infinitely more pissed if she hears you withheld this from her.

    > I alt-tabbed to demonstrate a technique in a software package, and accidentally switched to a browser window, which happened to have a candid photo from a year ago of my ex girlfriend

    Another note: stop looking at these pictures, this relationship has been over for 6 months+.

  2. No. Nothing good could possibly come from telling her. If none of the students mentioned it or called attention to it, leave it alone. Don’t talk about it with anyone and let it fade away. Do a better job of securing your data in the future.

  3. This post is just a reminder that academic success doesn’t prevent you from being dumb af

  4. The real question is why did this happen? Why was this photo even there after six months of no talking? Especially why would it be there when you’re giving a presentation? Lots of whys and It’s all fuzzy to me, sorry.

  5. Bro this is so embarrassing for you. You should use a work laptop and a private laptop so this shit can’t happen ever again.

  6. I don’t understand why anyone would try to make you feel bad or stupid for this. It’s a silly little mishap, sure. But this happens to me too, in times when I absolutely do not want it happening – even after I thought I deleted all my photos of my ex.

    If I were in your shoes I don’t think I’d mention it to my ex. If I were in her shoes, I wouldn’t be mad if someone else told me this happened. The caveat would be if it was a super revealing or embarrassing photo of me or if a conversation about me was had with your students.

  7. Are those kids you showed it to? You might be in trouble with more then just your ex. Your job might be in jepordy if a kid goes to their parents about the slip up

  8. Had this happen once. R rated photo.
    After that I closed out everything on the computer before class started

  9. This is why you don’t take/send nudes, ladies. Men obviously can’t be trusted with them.

    My dude, you ‘accidentally’ swapped to a tab with a nude photo in it that you had up DURING class? Why the FUCK do you have this shit open during class? Frankly, I don’t believe this was an accident. I hope your students aren’t minors.

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