My husband’s mother lives out of state and they talk often but have not lived near each other since he started high school. We have been together for 13 years and just got married a few months ago. After having a great time with our family and his mom texting and talking with me for a few weeks after our wedding she suddenly refused to see me when she came to town. After prying it out of my husband I found out she says that I lied to him and trapped him and have planned this whole time to marry him and not have children on purpose and that I still smoke. A little bit of back story- I told her a few years in that I would quit smoking when we decide to start a family because I want to be healthy for my kids. Little did I know that I would be diagnosed with a medical condition that means I can’t have kids and already feel like I’m unable to give him what he wanted the most, to be a dad. On top of this she says that it’s my fault that I am this way and if I would only listen to her and read the articles she sends me about her religion I wouldn’t be this way. That I am doing this to myself because anything bad that happens is because you welcome it.

I can see where she is coming from for like 2 seconds before I get super upset and offended. We aren’t super close so I haven’t told her about my situation and what we have been dealing with so hearing that we plan to adopt was a surprise to her but I can’t believe the things she is saying. I want to confront her because it’s not just affecting me but she is also refusing to speak with him because she thinks he should leave me. On the flip side this might pass if we let it die down and I don’t want to make their relationship harder or make him feel like he has to choose.

I am so bothered by this but am trying to remember that I can not control how other people feel. It just sucks

TLDR- MIL wants husband to leave me because she thinks I lied to him about kids and trapped him

  1. How does your husband feel since diagnosis?
    You guys can always adopt.
    If your husband accepts this, then I wouldn’t be concerned about what his mother thinks of feel at the moment.
    Enjoy each other, and there are plenty of other options like IVF & adoption, foster parents.
    Look, his mother lived her life as she wanted, and now it’s time for you and your husband to live your lives.
    Does she pay your rent, car note, buy your medicine, buy your food, clean your gome, do your laundry..I’m assuming not & she should focus on HER life and let you to enjoy being newly weds
    & even if she did all the above, you guys are grown, and you guys are starting a new chapter in your lives.
    Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you must immediately start popping kids out & it’s selfish of her to be so inconsiderate of your medical conditions and even if you could have child has she considered the expense, time, dedication it takes to raise a child?
    I hope things get better.
    Please update us if anything changes
    Best of luck to you & congratulations to you and your husband on your marriage

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