So there’s this one guy I used to consider a friend, but not anymore. He barely ever texts or calls me back anymore, so I’ve decided we won’t be friends anymore. The problem is, this guy’s house is basically the only place that any of my other friends hang out at. If I’m not going to this guy’s house anymore, I probably won’t see any of my other friends much anymore. I try to get people to go places and do stuff, but nobody ever wants to do anything, everyone wants to just go to this one guy’s house and lay around and smoke and drink like they always do every weekend. I didn’t mind doing that, but if I won’t be going there anymore, I don’t know how I’m gonna see my friends anymore. Any ideas as to how I can get these people to actually go somewhere and do something? Do I just need to find better friends who aren’t so lazy and boring? I don’t really have any idea how to make new friends, I haven’t done it in many years.

1 comment
  1. I say expand your friend group. Find other friends you can hangout with who like doing other things. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket because then things like this happen. That was my problem in college. I made friends with a group of people but I only hungout with them. I should’ve expanded my circle more. When I realized those friends werent shit, then it became harder for me to find other friends because my who social life wa based off them and most groups had closed off.

    Being at the same persons house doing the same things sounds really repetitive and boring. It’s nice every so often but it can get really annoying. How bad is the situation with this person? Do you never want to see them again? Have you told them? If you havent told them then I say dont remove them from your life but create boundaries. If he doesnt text or call back, then dont text or call him. Give him the same energy he gives you and if he is annoyed by it then tell him the truth, you tried reaching out but he never reached out. Now if it’s something tath you just cant forgive and would rather remove him from your life then you might ahve to be ok with being alone most weekends if your friends still just want to hangout there all day.

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