Why? Anything about this character special to you?

  1. Judas Iscariot. Growing up catholic, my mom was a huge fan of the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. As an adult I’m now fully lapsed, but as a fan of musicals, I’m still a big fan of Jesus Christ Superstar…

    Anyway, I’ve always loved how well the show portrayed Judas as God’s self-aware patsy. Without his role in the story, Christianity doesn’t exist. So even though he’s portrayed as a villain and betrayer, he’s easily the most important apostle.

    Plus his songs just hit hard as fuck!

  2. Rorschach. Rorschach, Rorschach, Rorschach

    He’s not a cool dude. We shouldn’t admire his style. Throughout the book we see he’s a psychologically broken weirdo who is pathologically repulsed by overt sexuality, can’t hold down a job, only has one friend because that friend isn’t secure enough to tell him off, and has bad hygiene.

    He’s not a just avenger of the wronged; he makes excuses for Comedian’s rape of Silk Spectre because he refuses to think a Real American Hero (war criminal) could be in the wrong in an altercation with a woman who dressed provocatively.

    It would suck to be Rorschach

  3. Aquaman cannot talk to fish.

    He can command them, as in he can give them the impulses to attack something, or swarm something, but he can’t like, discuss his day with fish

  4. It’s not that David xanatos from gargoyles is misunderstood…. It’s just that nobody wants to really consider that with his set of espionage skills, necromancy, speaking all modern and ancient languages, artifacts excursions, science and alien technology, time travel, dimension hopping, magic spell casting, cloning facility, mutant splicing, martial arts, and his literal magical demi god offspring that’s going to inherit the throne of the fairy king, Oberon….

    xanatos can beat Bruce Wayne, Tony stark, Carmen Sandiego, Indiana Jones, James bond, professor Xavier, lex Luther, Darth Vader, greedy Kruger, Voldemort… EVERYBODY!! HE CAN TOPPLE EVERYBODY!! IF HE GOT HIS HANDS INTO MAKING A DRAGON BALL RADAR IT’S OVER!

  5. The Joker. Especially JP’s or HL’s Joker. The world isn’t exactly how he wants it to be and instead of adapting to it and finding some sort of happiness, he just wants to cause chaos. And I’m extremely weary of people who identify with him.

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