I (23F) really like this guy at work (24)

I’m usually pretty good with guys – but this one has me a little flustered. I’ve been working with this guy for months now and we’ve become very close friends; we play video games together outside of work, go to lunch together, sometimes text and usually talk and giggle when we are both at the office, etc. Last week, we went to a work event together (just the two of us) and i had a blast, we ended up getting some food afterwards and it was fun, then I realized I was catching feelings. He did compliment me and said I looked nice when he picked me up for the event. He also almost always initiates talking outside of work. He has asked me to hangout outside of work prior, but in an odd way that I didn’t get the hint to. However, I do get mixed signals… he calls me “bro” often and it hasn’t gone anywhere past “friends”, which makes me wonder if we are both too scared to say anything or if I’m crushing hard and need get my ish together. Anyways, I’m curious what your thoughts are or if I should leave the situation be, try to say something, or stop trying… Any thoughts are helpful! Feel free to ask any questions!

TL;DR! – I really like this guy at work, but I’m getting mixed signals and not sure if I should leave things as is – or try to say something.

  1. I’d say he likes you. He’s initiating convos, seeking you out to spend time with you AND the big one, playing video games with you lol. Could just have an honest convo with him one day and ask if he feels that you two are going somewhere more or just want to remain friends. Worst case he says no

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