I made a post about me going out on a date with the woman of my dream 3 days ago. But for some odd reason some people on here reported and it apparently got taken down.

I will take you guys down to memory lane. so 7yrs ago me and this girl worked together. When I came for the interview was the first time I saw her. I remember said damn “who is this woman?” And I could feel my anxiety got a little bit worse than it was for the interview. At that point I didn’t even care if I was going to get the job but I knew for sure I would come there to get her number if wasn’t hired.
Luckily the manager was a very cool dude who love me right when I walked in the office. He started talking about basketball with since I was 6’7 at that time. I was 18yrs old 6’7ft jovial of course I would get hired.

After I heard I was hired I could think about was her. So I went home that day and called my bestfriend (Boggie) and told him everything. His reply was
“man she can’t be that pretty, you tripping brah”.
I said “what??” I hung up the phone right in his face.
So my first week at the job I kinda was laidback and not show her any signs so I wouldn’t come off as a creep but everytime I laid eyes on her I said how is this humanly possible? I was 18 man so you know I was horny goat. Good God gracious she broke the ice by asking me for my height I remember I said “huh” and I started giggling like a timid ho, I swear I could’ve been a bitch. She knew right there I liked her and she started laughing with me🤣🤣🤣🤣 so as time go on I pretty much became like a work husband for her until she quit the job and we lost contact. I found out she had a boyfriend at that time so I never asked her for her number.

Fast forward 7yrs later we met again. I’ve been with plenty woman but she reignited the burning desire I had for her again. So we exchanged numbers and we ended up going on a date with her couple days ago. That’s where things got ugly.

Date was going extremely well until she started talking about her private life and her being extremely busy as a registered nurse then she put the ball on my feet. I don’t know why but I’ve never sit back and reevaluate my life and see how many much time I’ve wasted because I had nothing to show for being 25. I have no degree I don’t have anything but working dead end jobs. So I had to tell her I was a digital marketer and I didn’t need school for it because I was self taught. Then I changed the subject so quick and I could see that kinda threw her off and the vibe shifted. Things were pretty until the date ended. It’s been 3days since we talked and I don’t know where I stand. Did I fumble the ball?

  1. If you’re not compatible because your life goals/ambitions don’t align, then you’re not compatible. I wouldn’t say you fumbled but it sounds like she’s not feeling it. Better to find these things out sooner than later though- you don’t wanna end up in a long term relationship that falls apart because you don’t want the same things with your lives

  2. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the answer is “Probably.”

    Playing it cool is for chumps. She’s almost certainly not just sitting there waiting for you to make another move. It’s easy to think, “Oh, girls get asked out all the time, so they have lots of options.” The first part of the sentence is true; the second is not. Girls _turn down_ the majority of guys who ask them out. And then they get to the first-date phase and a lot more guys get winnowed out _there_. If you made it _past_ the first-date phase, you’re **rare**, and she’s not gonna leave it to chance. She’s gonna let you know.

    The woman of your dreams has _not_ let you know.

    Alas, some dreams don’t come true. =(

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