Men with a beer belly, how and why did you let it happen?

  1. One day beer and burgers start tasting better than being in shape feels. It’s a compromise but a delicious one.

  2. She said she was using birth control. Then bam a couple of months later just started growing.

  3. Well, I am no longer 19 with minimum responsibilities, and endless amounts of time to workout. I have aged, injuries are a thing now, and there are other things that occupy my time than worrying about a bit of fat over my abs.

    So OP – asking a question like this, I assume you have maximized every part of your life? I am guessing you are in between surgeries at the moment? Possibly CEO of a fortune 500 company? If not, why?

  4. I’m 45. I love beer. I exercise every day. The belly stays. And women don’t seem to mind as long as I’m fit and have muscles.

  5. I give more of a fuck about enjoying my life than looking pretty.

    As for how: I quit working in jobs that require physical labor and started working in jobs that require mental labor.

  6. Honestly I had a belly when I was a kid even though I’ve been incredibly active my whole life. Just built that way. When I started drinking beer it got worse but after a long time of accepting it I’ve started to work harder to trim down

  7. In my defence, I got one, I work out 3-5 times per week, and I drink rarely. How did it happen? I don’t know. How do I get rid of it? Know that even less.

  8. I’m working full-time, have a toddler at home, and am finishing up a masters degree. Somewhere along the way, my diet became more focused on “just get through the damn day” rather than “be nutritionally optimal.”

    Things have calmed down a little, so I’m now in the process of losing it. It’s not a big deal, it’ll go away over time.

  9. I mean not everyone likes being physically active above your normal everyday activity.

  10. Why do women walk around with muffin tops and why did they let it happen.

    Because this shit sneaks up on people.

  11. Because it’s delicious. Fun fact if you STOP drinking beer and eat healthy and drink water it goes away pretty quickly

  12. Because it’s easy to let it happen?

    It literally does not matter, if you think less of people for having one than you have issues

  13. I’m 25 and have a little one, I stay pretty fit tho an have been told a lil hump in the belly feels good wen a gals ridin me.

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