I’m going through a tough time right now. My husband and I are in our mid 60’s, been together 12 years and married almost 4.

2 months ago my dad had a massive heart attack, 4 days later I broke my back (already had chronic health issues) and 4 days after that he was released into hospice care at home. Even with a broken back, I’ve still had to do multiple night shifts, day shifts and sometimes both per week….so I am at my mental and physical limit.

I came home just over hour ago and my husband was still asleep. I laid down in the bed. He rolled over, snuggled me with his whole body and gently “rubbed” my arms, hands, whatever he could reach with the most gentle caressing touch. He occasionally would kiss my head or forehead. Nothing sexual (well, it wouldn’t be him if he didn’t touch my boobs), but it was all in such a healing way. I felt cocooned in love, safe and protected from everything.

No matter your age, learn how to value this kind of love and attention. No words or speaking, just comfort. Just being held in that way is EVERYTHING !It is what heals the soul and truly shows the love that is being given. I’m going to rest now, but with a calm and warmth I didn’t have when I came home.

  1. I am so sorry you are dealing with all of that. I hope you are being kind to yourself in the midst of everything. It can be hard to remember to do so.

    As for your cuddle session – What a kind and loving way to be cherished. It’s the simple things, really.

  2. I love these posts because it is promising to know love like that exists ♥️ I’m happy you have him to lean on

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