I know this is a question asked by a lot of persons and I guess it is also one of the hardest questions to answer because of the wife scenarios, so it’s my turn (:

I have a few people I hang around with and they have told me that I’m a funny or comforting person to be around with (which genuinely warms my heart) and I am not an uneasy talker either, however I find it difficult to meet new people that do float my lifestyle.

Whereas i.e. people who love drawing can easily connect through cons and social media, I can’t or so I think.

I like urbex and things that come with it (yt: shiey, gifgas and vagrant holiday are great examples). Most sites that focus on urbexers connecting are NA focussed (🇪🇺 here) and their age range often tends to be higher as well. So how would I go about meeting people alike instead?

1 comment
  1. Although seeking people who share your hobbies and interests is one way to make friends (and not a bad one), at the same time being open to just about any kind of person and connecting more based on personality is also a very viable option.

    A couple of my friends are into hobbies I have zero interest in. We don’t connect over their hobbies, we connect over a shared sense of humor, interest in life and each other.

    If you limit yourself to your hobby you’ll miss out on a lot of other interesting people.

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