After dragging this out for months after he moved away. I acknowledge that it needs to stop. I am constantly feeling hurt by the whole situation and try not to dump that on him. But I want to. I want to tell him everything I need to say.

But I’m afraid of hurting him.

He’s not in a great place. And I have tried very hard to not make things worse. Not saying I havent. Im not perfect by any means. And many of my actions I later regretted and apologized for.

But he has lacked consideration for my feelings very often. Especially recently.

As I am attempting to both be a good person to him, but also trying to move on… im not sure what the answer is.

Do I stay in contact just so he has my support when he needs it? Even though there is someone he has that should be playing that role.
Do I tell him what I need to say, just to feel heard, so he understand (maybe), how im feeling/ felt?

I know the best answer is probably just give up and block him.

But for those sensitive souls out there, that have loved those that are troubled… I need some sort of closure to heal.

1 comment
  1. If he has lack consideration for your feelings , what do you want to try more ? What if he hurts your feelings again ?

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