So honestly I have no solid friends. Or really any for that matter. I live 2 hours from my hometown. The friends I use to have in HS do not really communicate with anymore. I’ve asked on numerous occasions throughout the years to hang out. I just get shot down or they have a bunch of excuses.

I’m life is really boring like this. I’d really like to go out and do things. I look back at the last 5 years of photos. And it’s just me taking selfie’s. Nothing to show for my other 20’s. Such as a lame life.

I’m a 23M

  1. Well you are asking random strangers on reddit for social advice… good luck.

  2. Maybe look for events/activities/groups that are aligned with your interests. Just try a couple out and see what happens.
    What interests or hobbies do you have?

  3. Find a hobby you like that involves others, become loyal to places and frequent them, find a spot to volunteer, look at events that are happening in your area and go to them, and enjoy yourself & be nice.

  4. It’s fairly common at your age; you’ve lost contact or moved on from your school friends but haven’t built yourself a new social network. Because this actually takes effort now, it was so easy at school!

    You enjoy a wide range of stuff so just go and do some of them and meet new people, and take it from there.

  5. Join a club, a course, a gym or anything. Be open for conversations and give them your number or ask to meet sometime outside of the regular activities.

    Try to enjoy time there, finding friends will then happen naturally.

    I met my “new” friends in the gym after I moved away 10 years ago.

  6. Live your life as a solo dude and people will more than likely gravitate towards you if you’re enjoying life

  7. Find a hobby group or something that meets every week.

    Got here every damn week.

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