Men who have been betrayed by someone you truly trusted, how did you handle it? How were you able to trust again?

  1. I don’t think you ever fully trust again, especially if they were close. I had a friend I considered as close to a brother as you can be. He started doing some illegal stuff and I still was trying to support him, not his illegal activities, through his court processes. It as all good until he started telling others that my family had profited from his illegal gains, trying to make himself look better. That’s where I drew the line, when he involved them, I was out.

  2. I stopped trusting people, I’ve been betrayed many times. And because of it I now hold high expectations of people i let in my life. But I also expect to be disappointed so that I’m not hurt again.

  3. Sadness followed by anger and self loathing for several weeks eventually getting back into shape and regaining confidence. Not expecting to trust ever again. Trust is now more sacred, I am letting it take as long as it needs to and not forcing it

  4. I was sad for like 3 months from when my gf cheated on me. there has been almost 1.5 years since my 2 year relationship with her and now i hate her from all of my heart. I dont think im gonna trust anyone ever. Hope someone comes in my life to prove me wrong.

  5. My ex fiance of 4 years dating (16-20) came home after a Vegas work trip and said she went with a guy and cheated so it’s over

    I haven’t don’t hate her, I haven’t blamed anyone else or been more insecure because quite frankly I’ll trust everyone until it’s broken regardless of my past. It’s not fair to do otherwise. Obviously I was sad for a bit but managed and found other relationships

    I’ve been with my wife now for 12 years.

  6. My trust is hard to earn, and impossible to get back. I hate it, but have been burned one too many times.

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