
I’ve been seeing this man for almost 3 months and we’ve grown pretty close emotionally. I was looking to develop some emotional intimacy before having sex, but we do make out. This weekend he is coming over to my apartment. Now I’m scared as hell that he’ll be thrown off or disgusted by a deep red strech mark I have on my tummy and some along my hips. I have been with men before and none of them have made comments on my stretch marks.

I’m scared this time because I really really like him. I’ve never hidden my body from him, he knows I’m chubby and working out daily to fix that, but I don’t know if he’s expecting the stretch marks. He has been with single moms before, so maybe he might not be as thrown off as I’m assuming he’ll be? Ugh how do I even enjoy myself with this in mind? 🙁

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  2. If he gets close enough to see those stretch marks, it won’t be the stretch marks he’s looking at.

  3. He won’t care. Guys don’t give a shit about this. If he asks what they are, don’t freak out – he probably just genuinely doesn’t know and is curious. Seriously, it’s not a turn off to men.

  4. If stretch marks turn him off (they wont) then you’re way better off without him.

  5. Prior to being sexually active and seeing a woman naked in person, everything I ever heard about stretch marks was in a negative light. When I finally saw my girlfriend naked for the first time (me 18m, her 23f), I thought her stretch marks were so *fucking* sexy. They are so feminine and womanly and it breaks my heart how bad you ladies feel about them.

    Own it. This is your one body. Any man worth your time wants you, the whole you, stretch marks and all.

  6. If it’s a problem it’s worth finding out. I doubt it would be though. Crash into the issues sooner rather than later I say.

    Don’t forget we make ourselves the main character. Just like you, he is… he’s more worried about his insecurities than you (he’s thinking ‘does my breath smell, did I clean meticulously enough, will she notice my bent cock, will she think my mole is gross, will she think I’m good in bed or not, etc’)

    Also, he’d sooner be put off by an apprehensive, awkward vibe than he would stretch marks I’m guessing.

  7. If its really freaking you out, say something.

    “Im really glad you are here with me. I have to tell you I am nervous, I am shy about my body”.

    If he is a good man he will turn down the tension and just snuggle with you or tell you directly that he is there for you. All of you.

    Then you can decide how to proceed.

    Its like going to the dentist. If they know you are nervous they will adjust how they proceed.

    Good luck.

  8. Stretch marks on women can be very sexy it depends on the women having confidence

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